Career Management Center – Internship FAQ

Career Management Center - Internship FAQ

No, CPT work authorization is for the USA only. If you receive an offer for another country, you will need work authorization for that country, either as a local citizen or by applying through the employer. Contact International Education at for more information prior to making any travel plans. If you leave the U.S., remember to let ISSO know.

JSOM policy is that you must only have one work experience per semester. This allows you to focus on the highest quality for both your internship and your studies.

ISSO advises that while it does not require CPT work authorization, students should refrain from working in a foreign country remotely while in US on F-1 status. Please contact ISSO for more information.

Yes. CPT authorization is required for F-1 students for BOTH paid and unpaid internships. Engaging in unpaid activities that would constitute ‘employment’ under labor laws would be considered ‘employed’.

Internships can be paid or unpaid. We expect employers to comply with the Department of Labor guidelines regarding pay for internship experiences, and internships at “for-profit” companies are usually paid. Occasionally, an employer will offer an unpaid internship assignment. Although unpaid, this may offer valuable experience and networking opportunities important to your future career endeavors.

JSOM Policy - CMC Internship FAQ

  • Read the job description, and check that it clearly aligns with your degree program content and level. If in doubt, talk to your program manager.
  • You must be a student in good academic standing and meet all of the internship program requirements. If you have questions about eligibility, talk to a Career Development Specialist in the Career Management Center.
  • Your internship will be reviewed, any questions resolved, and when approved, you will be able to sign up for the internship course.

The employer will decide the hours. It may vary from week to week. It may include overtime at the employer’s discretion. There is no upper limit, but we advise students not to overextend themselves – leave enough time to excel both at the internship and in class commitments.

  • If you are in the first six months of a job that is related to your degree program, you can use your work to fulfill the requirement
  • You can do an in-company project – over and above your regular work – to satisfy the requirement. Submit a project description approved by your supervisor/management showing the number of hours of effort planned for the project into Orion. Note the project description is in lieu of the job offer in Orion when you request your internship. The project must be related to your degree program.
  • Masters student may have degree program specific alternative courses that meet the internship requirement, including a practicum. Check your catalog and consult with your program director.

  • Graduates
    • GPA of 3.0 or higher
    • Completed 1 semester (US/PR) or 2 long semesters (F1 student)
    • Completed 12 credit hours at the Masters level
  • Undergraduates
    • GPA of 2.0 or higher
    • Completed required number of credit hours for the program
  • Refer to your academic catalog for Accounting

Tuition Cost - CMC Internship FAQ

If you are eligible for a zero semester credit hour internship and registration is completed during regular registration, there will be no tuition or fees charged for the course.

Paid / Unpaid - CMC Internship FAQ

Internships can be paid or unpaid. We expect employers to comply with the Department of Labor guidelines regarding pay for internship experiences, and internships at “for-profit” companies are usually paid. Occasionally, an employer will offer an unpaid internship assignment. Although unpaid, this may offer valuable experience and networking opportunities important to your future career endeavors.

Wages depend on the particular profession, the level of the position, the individual employer, and the local economy. You are generally paid at the same level as temporary employees in similar positions, but wages vary from employer to employer. Wages usually range from $8-$15 for undergraduate students and $12 – $25 for graduate students.

Students are receiving education at UT Dallas, and should not be asked to pay for additional training by an employer. Third party employers sometimes offer the incentive of a “possible” client assignment after the training, and students should beware as they may be asked to repay the training cost. Note: Internships will not be approved without a confirmed client assignment. In these circumstances, students are advised to seek alternative internship opportunities.

The purpose of an internship is educational. The program is designed to provide you with an opportunity to gain practical experience, which complements classroom instruction. It is rare that employers will offer partial or full payment of tuition and fees. Even when tuition assistance occurs, you will usually be required to pay your university fees personally and then be reimbursed by the employer. Be sure that you thoroughly understand the employer’s policies and procedures for tuition reimbursement in the rare instance it is available.

CPT-Specific - CMC Internship FAQ

No, CPT work authorization is for the USA only. If you receive an offer for another country, you will need work authorization for that country, either as a local citizen or by applying through the employer. Contact International Education at for more information prior to making any travel plans. If you leave the U.S., remember to let ISSO know.

JSOM policy is that you must only have one work experience per semester. This allows you to focus on the highest quality for both your internship and your studies.

ISSO advises that while it does not require CPT work authorization, students should refrain from working in a foreign country remotely while in US on F-1 status. Please contact ISSO for more information.

Yes. CPT authorization is required for F-1 students for BOTH paid and unpaid internships. Engaging in unpaid activities that would constitute ‘employment’ under labor laws would be considered ‘employed’.

F1 students should keep track of the hours as they monitor the number of days they have worked on CPT. 20 hours or less per week is considered part-time CPT, and 21 or more is full-time CPT.

Finding an Internship - CMC Internship FAQ

The University will only consider internships that are located in a commercial setting and not in a private residence or home office.

You may secure your own internship through other employer/internship platforms, and the employer provides a detailed description of your responsibilities.

Internship Approval - CMC Internship FAQ

  • Report the internship experience in Orion, including uploading the offer letter and job description.
  • The company is reviewed for legitimacy and office location are confirmed
  • Following company verification, the information is forwarded to the program director for their approval
    • Meets internship program eligibility
    • Job description is aligned with the program
    • Internships dates are in the future and within the semester range
    • At their discretion, the program director may request a policy waiver in certain circumstances
  • Student is responsible for course enrollment, and payment of fees – after internship has been approved by the program director
  • CPT requests will be submitted to ISSO upon confirmation of course enrollment

Internship Course Enrollment - CMC Internship FAQ

Transcript notations are not an option, and they do not meet the degree program requirement. If you are an undergrad, consider the zero credit option, but you will still have to enroll in the class to meet the degree requirement.

  • If you are a domestic student, you may report just one semester, but continue to work beyond the reported semester
  • If you are an international student, you must enroll for an internship course in each semester.

Top Questions

For all international applicants, an official English proficiency exam score of no more than two years from the date of application from one of three testing services is required. We accept the TOEFL (minimum 80 IBT), IELTS (minimum 6.5), and the Pearson Test of English (PTE, minimum 67). Our institutional TOEFL code is 6897.

Our GRE school code is R6897.

You have met the English proficiency requirement, and do not need to submit an English proficiency exam for admission, if:

No. International applicants who have completed an undergraduate or graduate degree from a college or university in the United States are waived from the English proficiency requirement.

The applicant’s cumulative GPA will be used as a part of the admission committee’s review to determine the competitiveness of admission. Currently, the average admitted GPA is a 3.3.

Local applicants must submit official transcripts from all US-based colleges and universities attended, including any graduate program in which the applicant was enrolled for admission. These transcripts must be certified, signed or stamped official by the university’s Registrar Office.

International applicants and US citizen and permanent resident applicants with an international degree must submit an official attested photocopy of academic documents such as a transcript, diploma, mark sheets, provisional degree certificate and or your final degree certificate, in a school-sealed envelope with the school seal stamped on the back side of the envelope.

Overall, applicants must provide the following documents:

  • Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended
  • Degree certificate, if applicable (international students)
  • GMAT or GRE and TOEFL or IELTS scores from testing centers
  • One letter of recommendation (no specific format)
  • Personal objectives statement
  • Résumé

Note: If your Résumé, recommendation letters and personal objective statement are not electronically submitted with your application or mailed in with your transcripts, please email these documents to for review. Please include your application ID with your email.

Yes. Once admitted and prior to enrollment, you would need to provide official documents.

Fall Deadline: May 1
Spring Deadline: October 1
Summer Deadline: March 1

Late applications will be accepted up to the day prior to classes beginning

Yes, for available scholarships at Jindal School of Management, please visit the scholarship page:

UT Dallas also provides scholarships. Please visit UT Dallas office of financial aid for more information:

A GMAT/GRE score is not required, and students have the option to submit a test score if desired. A GRE/GMAT test score will only be used for admission purposes if one is provided by the applicant.

To indicate where the official GMAT score should be sent, please follow the list of GMAT program codes or, if submitting the GRE, use our GRE School Code, R6897. (No program code is needed.)

You may contact the JSOM office of scholarships via:
For undergraduate:
For graduate scholarship:

UT Dallas offers two different tuition plans. The variable tuition rate plan is based on a traditional plan that only locks tuition rates in for one academic year at a time. The rates on the variable tuition plan are subject to change each academic year.

The guaranteed tuition plan is a plan that locks tuition rates in for four consecutive years and protects the student against increases during those four years. This plan is designed to aid students and families in budgeting and planning college expenses.

All new incoming students will be automatically placed into the variable tuition rate plan but will have the option to lock in their tuition rates for four consecutive years with the guaranteed tuition plan.

To make your tuition plan choice, please follow these instructions on this page

Knowledge of calculus is required for the following graduate programs: MS in Business Analytics, MS in Energy Management, MS in Finance, MS in Management Science and MS in Supply Chain Management. Applicants who have not satisfied this requirement may take OPRE 6303 (Quantitative Foundations of Business).

You may contact the International Student Services for questions related to I20, international orientations and F-1 visa or other visa types.

UT Dallas Jindal School students in a campus coffee shop requestion information

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Thank you for your interest in the Naveen Jindal School of Management, UT Dallas. Tell us a little bit about yourself, and we’ll send you customized information about our programs. We hope to meet you soon.

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