Internship Policies and Procedures

Students and employers at an internship event

What is an internship?

An internship is an experiential learning opportunity to gain professional experience and to apply academic learning within a practical setting. It is also a long interview. The employer has several weeks to review the quality of your work and to determine your cultural fit.

Request Approval for Your Internship in Orion

Why complete an internship?

  • Solidify your career interests and career path
  • Increase professional connections
  • Develop technical skills
  • Receive academic credit
  • Enhance your resume

Finding an Internship

Fundamentals of the internship search

Learn about job or internship search fundamentals in Business Communications or Professional Development courses offered exclusively to JSOM students

  • Create a targeted resume and outline for a customized cover letter
  • Refine your LinkedIn Profile and other social media
  • Practice an engaging introduction to use when meeting people
  • Research roles, internship programs and employers
  • Learn about timing of recruitment for specific employers, and their preferred method of sourcing candidates
  • Build a strong network in person through events and reach out
  • Learn how to interview effectively, and practice
  • Apply for positions

  • Hands-on experiential learning, applying your academic knowledge in the workplace
  • A supervisor who also acts as a mentor, committed to see you succeed
  • An opportunity to learn about the company leadership and company culture
  • An environment where you are both challenged to learn and supported during the journey
  • Professional development of soft skills in addition to technical
  • A safe work environment at the employer’s office, and the equipment required for you to do the job (Home office and remote working are not approved)

  • When you accept the offer, you are making a commitment to the employer. They are counting on you joining their team.
  • Be professional at all times
  • Arrive on time, understand your role in meetings, on calls, in teams, etc. If unsure, ask.
  • Seek and be open to feedback that will help you improve and succeed

  • Respect and adhere to the JSOM Code of Ethics.
  • While at an employer’s location, you are an ambassador for the University, and your actions should reflect this.
  • Raise any concerns promptly. Seek advice before addressing a difficult conversation./li>
  • Should your internship end prematurely, let the Career Management Center staff know so that any impact can be addressed appropriately

  • Check out advice on recognizing red flags
  • Report any suspicious communications to the Career Management Center for further investigation


Please check your current catalog for updated information and requirements.

  • Students must have completed 24 semester credit hours of undergraduate courses, with a minimum of 6 at UT Dallas, before registering for the internship class
  • UT Dallas GPA must be 2.0 or higher
  • Is in good standing with the university
  • Does not have an incomplete “I”
  • Has not failed a prior CPT/internship course
  • F-1 visa students must be eligible for CPT authorization in the semester when the internship takes place. Students should contact ISSO to check their eligibility status.
  • Note: Accounting students who want to use the internship to fulfill their guided elective must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and complete 12+ credit hours of upper-level ACCT courses – check with your program director and JSOM undergraduate advisor for specific classes that will count.

  • Internship experience: Related to your major and degree level to provide the best learning experience.
  • Employer: Registered business, does not have any red flags with UTD. Must have an office location where the intern will work – not a home business or remote working.
  • Credit hours: 0, 1, 2 or 3 credit hours.
    • Students may earn up to 6 credit hours, depending on a specific program.
    • If student holds an F1 visa, continuing students can do a zero credit hour CPT in a summer semester but their next CPT must be for credit. They can also do a zero credit hour CPT in their graduating semester.
  • Hours to be worked:
    • >160 hours for 0, 1, 2 credit hours.
    • >240 hours for 3 credit hours.
    • Note: Accounting students – > 100 work hours for each credit hour if qualifying to use the internship as a guided elective.
  • Location: The employer must provide a safe office location, and is responsible for providing the necessary equipment for the role. Virtual/remote/home office working is not approved.
  • Start and end date:
    • The internship hours must be worked within the semester, and cannot be retroactive.
  • Supervisor: Internship must be supervised.

International students on F1-Visas must also meet the CPT requirements for work authorization to be approved.

If you have been in your current position for more than six months, your supervisor must carve out a “Special Project” for you.

This project must be:

  • Related to your major
  • In addition to your current job responsibilities.
  • Completed within the confines of the semester
  • Total at least 240 hours (if you plan on taking 3 credit hours) or 160 hours (if you plan on taking 0, 1, or 2 credit hours).

Your supervisor provides you with the following information on company letterhead:

  • 1st paragraph: Description of your current position and duties
  • 2nd paragraph: Description of your new “Special Project” and an acknowledgment that you will be enrolling in an internship course for academic credit
  • Confirmation from your supervisor that he/she will complete your performance evaluation
  • Supervisor’s contact info: Name, Title, Department, telephone #, email
  • Supervisor’s signature
Once you have the required letter from your supervisor, please report the internship experience in Orion

  • The student must report the internship experience by the internship reporting deadline of the semester in which the internship takes place
  • Student meets with Advising to discuss how the internship fits with their degree program
  • Student makes a decision on the number of credit hours requested.
  • Once the internship is approved, the student is enrolled in the appropriate class for their degree program. Class may be 16 weeks or 8 weeks in long semester (10 or 5 weeks in the summer semester)
  • Assignments are specified in the syllabus, and the course is Pass/Fail
  • If you are eligible for a zero semester credit hour internship and registration is completed during regular registration, there will be no tuition or fees charged for the course


  • Masters students in JSOM programs must complete at least 12 credit hours at the graduate level in their program
    • F1 students must be CPT eligible – completed 2 consecutive long semesters in the US, one of which must be at UT Dallas
    • Domestic students must have completed 1 long semester in the JSOM program
  • Accounting students must complete 12+ credit hours of upper level ACCT courses (i.e. no introductory courses) – check with program advisor for specific classes that will count
    • F1 students must be CPT eligible – completed 2 consecutive long semesters in the US, one of which must be at UT Dallas
    • Domestic students must have completed 1 long semester
  • Lawfully enrolled full-time in a U.S. university (in a valid U.S. immigration status that legally allows full-time enrollment) for at least one academic year (two consecutive long semesters) immediately prior to the semester in which the CPT will take place
  • Valid F-1 status at the time of CPT application
  • Currently enrolled in an internship class
  • Good academic standing (minimum 3.0 GPA for graduates, 2.0 GPA for undergraduates). If good standing is not maintained, CPT authorization will be canceled
  • Meet all CPT requirements of the UT Dallas JSOM Career Management Center (all JSOM students)
  • Have not failed a previous CPT course.
  • No incomplete grades
  • Must have completed at least one semester at UT Dallas
  • Have not completed your degree requirements
  • Must attend mandatory CPT workshop*
  • Has passed the MAS 6102 Professional Development course (or an exception has been approved)

  • Internship experience: Related to your major and degree level to provide the best learning experience.
  • Employer: Registered business, does not have any red flags with UT Dallas. Must have an office location where the intern will work, not a home business.
  • Credit hours: 1-3 credit hours.
    • Students can earn up to 3 credit hours per program, if electives are available on degree program.
    • MS Business Analytics and MS Supply Chain Management only – internship is required
  • Hours to be worked:
    • > 80 hours for 1 credit hour
    • >160 hours for 2 credit hours
    • >240 hours for 3 credit hours
    • Note: Accounting students – >100 hours for each credit hour
  • Location: The employer must provide a safe office location, and is responsible for providing the necessary equipment for the role. Virtual/remote/home office working is not approved.
  • Start and end date:
    • The internship hours must be worked within the semester, and cannot be retroactive.
  • Supervisor: Internship must be supervised.

International students on F1-Visas must also meet the CPT requirements for work authorization to be approved.

  • The student must report the internship experience by the internship reporting deadline of the semester in which the internship takes place
  • Student meets with Program Director to discuss how the internship fits with their degree program.
  • Student makes a decision on number of credit hours requested.
  • Once the internship is approved by the Program Director, the student is enrolled in the appropriate class for their degree program. Class may be either 16 weeks or second 8 weeks in long semester (10 or 5 weeks in the summer semester).
  • Assignments are specified in the syllabus, and course is Pass/Fail.
  • Reneging on an offer (or “ghosting” after accepting an offer) is a direct breech of the JSOM Code of Ethics, and will result in failure of the course (credit and/or CPT).

Beginning Fall 2019, Zero semester credit hour internship option is available only if:

  • The student must report the internship experience by the internship reporting deadline of the semester in which the internship takes place
  • Student is in degree program that requires an internship
  • Student has completed Professional Development MAS 6102 (includes CPT information)
  • Student has not already completed a previous internship for zero-credit or for 1-3 credits. (Only first internship can be taken for zero credit.)
  • Student has not already completed course that satisfies the internship requirement in their degree
  • For eligible F-1 students, a zero-credit internship course will count toward CPT.
  • If you are eligible for a zero semester credit hour internship and registration is completed during regular registration, there will be no tuition or fees charged for the course

  • Enrolled in Fast Track program.
  • BS and MS are in same discipline.
  • Enrolled as a current student in the MS program, in the semester after undergrad program completion.
  • Must demonstrate the MS knowledge to complete an advanced level internship
    • Completed 9 credit hours of Masters level courses during the undergrad program.
    • Must have a B or greater in the Masters level courses.
  • Requires a waiver for the reduced academic credit hours and to waive the long semester as MS requirement.

  • Students select which program the job role and responsibilities are most closely related to. They will register for and complete the internship course with this prefix.

  • Report the internship (experience) as soon as you receive the offer letter, preferably at least 2 weeks before the initial employment will end.
  • Plan for no gap in employment, I-20 work authorization must end and start on consecutive dates.
  • F1 students must register for a CPT session in each semester, and complete an internship course for at least 1 credit hour in each semester.

  • Occasionally the employer will request that the student stays longer or shortens the internship.
    • For a date change within the internship semester, please send an email to, including documentation from the employer confirming the date change.
  • If the end date is earlier, the number of hours worked during the internship must still exceed the minimum required for the registered course credit. Any concerns should be discussed with the Program Director.
  • For F-1 students, the I-20 work authorization must be updated by ISSO. The student sends an email to to request a change to the I-20. If the revised end date is further in the future, the student must receive the valid I-20 before working any additional days.
  • Any requests for internship date changes should be sent to

Reporting & Timelines

  • In ORION you must upload two documents – the offer letter and the job description.
  • Signed offer letter on company letterhead which includes Name of Organization, Internship Position Title, Start Date, End Date, Hours Per Week, Wages/Hourly Rate($), Physical Work Location Address of Internship Assignment, Manager/Supervisor Information (Name/Title, Phone Number/Email Address), Detailed Job Description
  • Please Note: The detailed job description is a required document
  • Any required information not included in the formal offer letter must be documented by the employer in a supplementary email and added in a screenshot. These documents should be combined into a single .pdf with the offer letter.

Winter Break – Please plan accordingly.

The University will be closed from Dec. 23 through Jan. 2.

CPT requests submitted to ISSO by December 13, 2023. Normal processing will resume on Wednesday January 3, 2024.

Earliest CPT employment start date: December 16, 2023

Latest CPT employment end date for:

  • Continuing students: May 27, 2024
  • Students graduating in Spring 2024: May 10, 2024

Earliest date to report an internship/experience in ORION: October 2, 2023

Last day to report an internship/experience in ORION: Monday, March 18, 2024

(Note: CPT approval will be confirmed after course registration. F1 Visa students must not start work before they receive their I-20 work authorization from ISSO)

Earliest CPT employment start date: May 11, 2024

Latest CPT employment end date for:

  • Continuing students: August 18, 2024
  • Students graduating in Summer 2024: August 9, 2024

Earliest date to report an internship/experience in ORION: February 5, 2024

Last day to report an internship/experience in ORION: July 1, 2024

(Note: CPT approval will be confirmed after course registration. F1 Visa students must not start work before they receive their I-20 work authorization from ISSO)

Earliest date to report an internship/experience in ORION: May 11, 2024

Last day to report an internship/experience in ORION: October 14, 2024

Earliest CPT employment start date: August 10, 2024

Latest CPT employment end date for:

  • Continuing students: January 20, 2025
  • Students graduating in Fall 2024: December 13, 2024

(Note: CPT approval will be confirmed after course registration. F1 Visa students must not start work before they receive their I-20 work authorization from ISSO)

Earliest date to report an internship/experience in ORION: October 7, 2024

Last day to report an internship/experience in ORION: Monday, March 24, 2025

Winter Break – Please plan accordingly.

The University will be closed from Dec. 23 through Jan. 1.

Check with ISSO for last date for CPT requests to be submitted to ISSO for processing before the break. Normal processing will resume on or after January 2, 2025.

Earliest CPT employment start date: December 14, 2024

Latest CPT employment end date for:

  • Continuing students: June 1, 2025
  • Students graduating in Spring 2025: May 16, 2025

(Note: CPT approval will be confirmed after course registration. F1 Visa students must not start work before they receive their I-20 work authorization from ISSO)

Earliest date to report an internship/experience in ORION: February 3, 2025

Last day to report an internship/experience in ORION: Monday, July 3, 2025

Earliest CPT employment start date: May 17, 2025

Latest CPT employment end date for:

  • Continuing students: August 24, 2025
  • Students graduating in Summer 2025: August 15, 2025

(Note: CPT approval will be confirmed after course registration. F1 Visa students must not start work before they receive their I-20 work authorization from ISSO)

Earliest date to report an internship/experience in ORION: October 2, 2024

Last day to report an internship/experience in ORION: Monday, March 24, 2025

Earliest CPT employment start date:August 16, 2024

Latest CPT employment end date for:

  • Continuing students: TBC (1 day before Spring 2026 semester starts)
  • Students graduating in Fall 2025: December 16, 2025

(Note: CPT approval will be confirmed after course registration. F1 Visa students must not start work before they receive their I-20 work authorization from ISSO)

  • Allow 7-10 business days for approval processing, after all requested documents have been submitted.
    • Note: All university offices are closed on Saturdays and Sundays and on designated holidays.
    • F1 students requesting CPT approval, must report a start date at least 7 days in the future. The I-20 must be issued for a start date in the future.
  • F1 students requesting CPT approval, must report a start date at least 7 days in the future. The I-20 must be issued for a start date in the future.
  • Be patient. You will receive emails at each step of the process. If more information is requested, please follow the instructions and add the requested information in a document to the existing request.
  • Be patient. You will receive emails at each step of the process. If more information is requested, please follow the instructions and add the requested information in a document to the existing request.
  • Review your request status in ORION.
    • Go to the Internship Request Status tab in the menu at the left.
    • Select the internship request that is in “In Approval Workflow” and click Open Existing Request.
    • Check “Internship Approval Process” for the step that is “Pending” e.g. Career Center, Program Director or Advisor.
    • Allow 2 business days for each step.
  • F1 students must also be approved for CPT. This request is sent to ISSO after you are confirmed as enrolled for the internship course. Allow 3-5 business days for processing. ISSO will send an email that approves or denies.
  • F1 students must not start work before receiving a valid I-20.

Guides for JSOM Students to Request Internship Approval in ORION

How to Report a F1 Internship In Orion

How to Report a JSOM Internship in Orion

How to Report an Internship for MBA students in Orion

  1. Locate the Applicant Center Tab
  2. Select UTD Student Center
  3. Select My Academics
  4. Review the Internship Process Information
  5. Fill in the Boxes using the Option tabs and click create new request
  6. Attach your Documents. The same Process will be followed for both the Job Description and the Offer Letter
  7. Continue to the Survey Questions
  8. Complete the Survey

View steps as a PDF with screenshots.

Open PDF
  1. Log into your Orion Account and locate the Applicant Center Tab
  2. Select UTD Student Center
  3. Select My Academics
  4. Review the Internship Process Information
  5. Fill in the Boxes using the Option tabs and click create new request
  6. Attach your Documents. The same Process will be followed for both the Job Description and the Offer Letter
  7. Continue to the Survey Questions
  8. Complete the Survey

View steps as a PDF with screenshots.

Open PDF
  1. Locate the Applicant Center Tab
  2. Select UTD Student Center
  3. Select My Academics
  4. Select the tab for ‘Request Internship for Credit’ and click on ‘Internship Request Status’
  5. Make sure to check ‘Yes’ on the request that is associated with your internship and then select ‘Open Existing Request’
  6. Select ‘Additional Info Upload’
  7. Paste the Key that is provided in your Status Request email into the Additional Data Key slot and then upload the new document. Be sure to provide any necessary comments.

View steps as a PDF with screenshots.

Open PDF
  1. Locate the Applicant Center Tab
  2. Select UTD Student Center
  3. Select My Academics
  4. Review the Internship Process Information
  5. Fill in the Boxes using the Option tabs and click create new request. Be sure to select Full Time Job if you are completing a Special Project.
  6. Attach your Documents. The same Process will be followed for both the Job Description and the Offer Letter
  7. Continue to the Survey Questions
  8. Complete the Survey

View steps as a PDF with screenshots.

Open PDF
  1. Locate the Applicant Center Tab
  2. Select UTD Student Center
  3. Select My Academics
  4. Select My Academics
  5. Fill in the Boxes using the Option tabs and click create new request
  6. Attach your Documents. The same Process will be followed for both the Job Description and the Offer Letter
  7. Continue to the Survey Questions
  8. Complete the Survey

View steps as a PDF with screenshots.

Open PDF
  • If you receive a technology or system error message, please clear the cache and close the browser before trying again. You may have to reboot. This type of error may occur if you are unable to save, or a pull-down menu is not available.
  • If the error is not resolved, please send a screenshot of the error to, and include the steps you have already taken to try to resolve it. The issue will be forwarded to the OIT team.
  • If you receive an error message that you are not eligible for the internship at that time, review the reason, and if you think you received this by mistake, send an email to with the screenshot of the reason.

Thank you for your patience as we roll out this custom program

CPT Process

All F-1 students must complete CPT training offered by the ISSO office prior to being approved for CPT. The workshop is online and accessed through iComet portal. Complete all 5 modules and SAVE.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is a structured educational program that combines classroom learning with productive work experience in a field related to a student’s academic program. CPT may be available to certain F-1 students.

ISSO will make determinations of CPT eligibility and has the discretion to authorize CPT where the proposed training satisfies both federal regulations and the UTD CPT program.

  • Lawfully enrolled fulltime in a US university for two consecutive long semesters immediately prior to the semester in which the CPT will take place. Must have completed at least one semester at UT Dallas.
  • Valid F-1 status at the time of the CPT application.
  • Currently enrolled in an internship class.
  • Good academic standing must be maintained.
  • Have not failed a previous CPT course.
  • No incomplete grades.
  • Has not completed degree requirements (ie has not graduated)
  • GPA must be 3.0 or higher for MS students and 2.0 or higher for undergrads. If students switch programs, they must establish this GPA for the new program before they are eligible

In addition to the internship approval above, the following applies to all F1 visa students.

  • The internship must meet the CPT Eligibility requirements
    • Must complete two long semesters
  • Students must receive CPT authorization before starting employment.
  • Students can only work on one experience per semester – ie internship or on-campus or volunteer.
  • For the CPT approval to be processed and the ISSO to issue the work authorization document, the following information must be included when the internship is reported.
    • Start and end date – internship must start after the end of the prior semester and before the end of the internship semester. The start date must be after the I-20 is issued.
    • See check list above for all required information.
  • Note: Student is limited to 3 semesters of internships per degree program. If more than 364 days of full-time CPT at any degree level, student will become ineligible for OPT. Student should use Full-Time CPT calculator to check this. (Full-Time CPT is more than 20 hours per week).
  • Questions about Reduced Enrollment should be directed to ISSO.

F1 students must register for a CPT session in each semester, even if the internship is extended to the next semester, and complete an internship course in each semester. (May be eligible for Zero “0” credit for the first semester. In each subsequent semester must be registered for at least 1 credit hour).

  • Request the internship in ORION, including all the requested documents.
  • Wait for the email from the Program Director that says to register for the internship course, and then complete the internship course registration as soon as possible. (Note: If a waiver has been requested, Advising will confirm approval before completing the enrollment)
  • When the course registration has been confirmed, the CPT eform (iComet) will be submitted for you. The I-20 process will not start until ISSO receives this form.
  • Ensure all information in ORION is accurate, and respond promptly to any requests for additional information or clarification.
    • If your start date is in the past, the I-20 cannot be issued. Contact your employer and forward the email confirmation to with an updated start date.
  • ISSO will check CPT eligibility, and if approved, will issue the I-20 work authorization
  • ISSO office will issue an I-20 for the internship duration that is employer-specific and date-specific. A $100 Practical Training Fee will be assessed when the CPT is processed.
  • The ISSO office will advise the student on the process should they need to apply for a SSN, and will issue a letter to take to the Social Security Office.

University Holidays and Winter Break – Please note that ISSO will be closed on university holidays and during the Winter Break, and CPT processing will halt until the offices reopen.

  • Send an email to to request a CPT I-20 update, and attach supporting documents as outlined below:
    • Internship start or end date change: Include your current start/end date and new start/end date in the message. Provide confirmation from your employer of your new date – a screenshot of an email is sufficient for this.
    • Change to employer’s name, address or physical work address: Provide confirmation from your employer of the current address and the new address. If the company name changes, include the reason, and documentation from your employer to support this.
    • Change to number of hours worked per week. Full-time CPT is 21 hours or more, and Part-time CPT is 20 hours or less. If the number of hours you are working changes, then your CPT record of F/T or P/T CPT may need to be updated. When requesting a change, you need to provide the following from your employer:
      • Start and end date of Part-time work
      • Start and end date of Full-time work

  • Summer internships are most common and can be in any US location. During Fall and Spring internships, the F-1 students must maintain their immigration status if the internship is not in the DFW area. This may require “reduced” enrollment. Contact ISSO for answers to specific questions about exception for full–time enrollment
  • Please note the following:
    • New and Continuing Students:
      • Must be enrolled in full-time or have an exception for full-time enrollment by Census Day of the current semester
    • Full time enrollment for graduate students is 9 credit hours
    • Full time enrollment for undergraduate students is 12 credit hours
    • You may only enroll in one online course – the remaining credit hours must be face to face
    • Graduating Students:
      • May enroll in only the courses required to complete degree requirement. At least one course in the last full semester must be face to face
      • F-1 students must apply for graduation by the Immigration deadline (earlier than the University deadline) or risk losing their immigration status.
      • Consult with ISSO for specific dates
  • For details or how to request an exception, refer to Contact ISSO at SSB 3.4, or 972-883-4189

Jindal School Career Management Center staff and students

Contact Us

Talk directly with our career staff at or 972-883-6916.

If you’re a UT Dallas JSOM student looking for career coaching, we can help!

Contact the Jindal School Career Management Center team

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  • JSOM LinkedIn
  • JSOM Instagram
  • JSOM Twitter
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