Undergraduate Orientation

Welcome future comets

Welcome to the JSOM Orientation Page!

We are excited to welcome you to our community. This page will review important information you need to know in preparation for your first day of classes. Your participation in orientation is essential to ensuring you experience an organized and seamless transition to JSOM.

This session covers general JSOM information, how to access and read your degree plan and how to load courses into your shopping cart and enroll. In addition to this information and helpful links, we are providing you with an Orientation Handbook (available to download through Box), which has useful documents like the Academic Calendar, a list of program faculty and staff, degree flowcharts and more.

Please note that All JSOM students are required to complete orientation in order to enroll in courses. The Student Affairs hold will both be removed upon the completion of the required eLearning modules, and the Academic Advising hold will be removed upon successful completion of the JSOM Pre-Enrollment Knowledge Check (you must score 100% on the quiz).

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at jsomug@utdallas.edu. We look forward to assisting you as you embark on this new journey!

Next Steps

If you have any questions, please review the FAQs below. You can find more information about the areas below by following the links to their webpages. If you still cannot find the answer to your question or would like to speak to someone, you can contact our office at jsomug@utdallas.edu or (972) 883-5889.

Transfer Orientation FAQs

Orientation registration is handled by the Student Transitions Office. You can register for orientation by following the directions on their webpage, or email them at transferorientation@utdallas.edu with any questions.

Registration and Advising

All incoming students will register for their first semester courses during Transfer Orientation. If you are attending a virtual orientation, you will register for courses on your virtual orientation date after your holds have been removed.

No. All JSOM students are required to attend orientation in order to have their holds removed and register for courses.

JSOM Advisors will be available at orientation to assist students with the registration process and answer any questions you may have about your degree plan. Please note that your Academic Advising hold is removed at orientation, and it is not necessary to meet with an advisor before then.

If you still need assistance following your orientation session, the Office of Recruiting and Onboarding handles all first semester advising and would be happy to meet with you. You can contact us at jsomug@utdallas.edu.

If attending virtual orientation, we ask that you review all information on this webpage, complete the JSOM Pre-Enrollment Knowledge Check and then email us to set up an appointment if you still need assistance.

Yes, you can! Many students choose to complete their core through a community college while simultaneously being enrolled at UTD. Just keep in mind that you can only use financial aid at one school at a time and can only be enrolled full-time at one school.

No. You will need to submit an official transcript showing your final grade in the prerequisite course before you can register for the next one.

No. If a class is full, the only option to join the class is through the waitlist.

When looking at your student account, you may see you have some holds. Don’t worry; these are easy to remove once you understand what they are for. The most common holds you will see are:

  • Student Affairs; Enrollment Hold: This hold will be removed when you check in for your orientation session
  • Academic Advising Hold: This hold will be removed when you attend the in-person orientation course registration session or complete the JSOM Orientation quiz for virtual orientation. Students are not required to meet with an advisor separately prior to orientation
  • Registrar Meningitis Hold: All Texas college students under 22 must receive a vaccination or booster against bacterial meningitis no later than ten days before the start of the semester. You can find more information on the Registrar Webpage.
  • TSI Hold: All Texas students are required to demonstrate college readiness prior to enrolling in classes. If you believe you have a TSI hold in error or were marked TSI complete at your previous school, you can email tsi@utdallas.edu. If you still need to take the TSI exam, you can find more information on the Office of Undergraduate Education Webpage.

Course Transfer and Degree Plan

As part of orientation, you will receive a personalized degree plan that shows which courses transferred, how they contribute to your degree at JSOM, and which courses advising recommends you take next.

Your degree plan will be uploaded to eLearning under Organizations > JSOM New Transfer > My Grades. Please note that degree plans are not created until after you have registered for orientation.

There are several reasons why a course may not transfer to UTD. If a course does not transfer at all, it is most likely classified as a technical course or is specific to your previous school. Additionally, any coursework with a grade below a C cannot be transferred in.

If a transferred course appears as elective credit, it means UTD accepts the credit, but it is not one of your degree requirements. Please note that required courses from your previous school may not always be required at JSOM, and vice versa. If you have questions about specific classes not transferring, you can email jsomug@utdallas.edu.

Students can petition for credit through the TCEP (Transfer Credit Earned Prior to Attending UTD) form through JSOM academic advising. When petitioning for credit, you should include as much information as possible to show the content of your previous course compared to the UTD course. This includes a syllabus from the semester the course was taken and a list of any prerequisite courses. After attending orientation, you can email JSOMUGAdvising@utdallas.edu to begin the petition process. (Please note: Advising only submits the petition on your behalf; the final decision on whether a course will count for direct credit comes from the Office of the Registrar.)

Degree plans are based on the most recent official transcript UTD has on file for you. Any courses you are currently enrolled in outside of UTD or completed since submitting your last transcript will not be reflected. Official degree plans will be updated prior to next semester’s registration, but in the meantime, you should download a copy of your plan and add your missing courses to keep track.

If you are changing to another major within JSOM, this is a quick and easy process that can be done through your Orion portal. If you want to switch to a different school within UT Dallas, we recommend contacting their advising office to ask about their requirements.

Course Load

Every student’s path is unique, and the time it takes to complete a degree can vary. Because of this, it’s not as simple as saying a sophomore has three years left, a junior has two, and so on. Student classification is based on the number of credit hours already completed, and your graduation date depends on how many hours you have left to complete. This is impacted by several factors, including how many of your previous courses count directly towards your JSOM degree and how many courses you plan to take each semester. To get an idea of how many semesters you have left to complete, you can count the remaining classes on your degree plan and divide it by the number of classes you plan to take each semester.

To be classified as full-time at UTD, students must take 12 credit hours (generally four classes) a semester. If you are not aiming for full-time status, you should take at least one class to remain active in your program. The maximum number of credit hours you can take in a semester is 19, but the average course load is 15.

Although we offer several online course sections each semester, JSOM students are limited to taking six online business courses in total during their time at UTD.

Financial Aid and Payments

You can email the Office of Financial Aid at financial-aid@utdallas.edu, or stop by their office located on the first floor of the Student Services Building.

We do not offer any JSOM-specific scholarships to incoming students. However, we have several scholarships available each fall for continuing students, which you can apply for next year. You can find more information at JSOM Scholarships Webpage.

For questions about payment options, please visit the Bursar Office Webpage, or email bursar@utdallas.edu.