Does my internship have to be a paid position?
Internships can be paid or unpaid. We expect employers to comply with the Department of Labor guidelines regarding pay for internship experiences, and internships at “for-profit” companies are usually paid. Occasionally, an employer will offer an unpaid internship assignment. Although unpaid, this may offer valuable experience and networking opportunities important to your future career endeavors.
Will internship work assignments pay my tuition and fees?
The purpose of an internship is educational. The program is designed to provide you with an opportunity to gain practical experience, which complements classroom instruction. It is rare that employers will offer partial or full payment of tuition and fees. Even when tuition assistance occurs, you will usually be required to pay your university fees […]
How much will I be paid while on an internship assignment?
Wages depend on the particular profession, the level of the position, the individual employer, and the local economy. You are generally paid at the same level as temporary employees in similar positions, but wages vary from employer to employer. Wages usually range from $8-$15 for undergraduate students and $12 – $25 for graduate students.
My company wants me to pay for training. What should I do?
Students are receiving education at UT Dallas, and should not be asked to pay for additional training by an employer. Third party employers sometimes offer the incentive of a “possible” client assignment after the training, and students should beware as they may be asked to repay the training cost. Note: Internships will not be approved […]