Graduate Degree with Academic Honors

Students celebrating their graduate degree with academic honors

Academic Distinction for Graduate Students

Every student earning a graduate degree* from the Jindal School of Management at UT Dallas is considered for graduate academic honors. This consideration is based on the grade-point average (GPA) of all courses taken to fulfill the requirements of each graduate degree (earned up until but not including the semester of graduation).

Students earning an academic honor are encouraged to reference the honor on their resume or curriculum vitae as well as on LinkedIn.

Also JSOM honorees are entitled wear the designated regalia cord representing their honor at commencement.

JSOM honor certificates will be digital and sent to your UTD email address from the JSOM Graduate Programs Office. JSOM Honor award will be sent to those who have met the criteria and who have applied for graduation by the Priority Graduation Application deadline as noted on the academic calendar in your final semester.

Designated regalia cords are available for purchase at the UT Dallas University Bookstore following notification from JSOM Graduate Programs office. It is the responsibility of the student to purchase the honor cord and wear it to graduation ceremonies.

Please note: there will be no cord color change allowed, no exceptions.

Academic Honors for Graduate Degrees**
Honor Level GPA Cord
High Distinction 4.000 – 3.900 Gold
Distinction 3.899 – 3.800 Silver
Recognition 3.799 – 3.500 White

*Degreed Programs only; Certificate Programs are not eligible for JSOM Graduate Honors

**All GPA’s are verified via degree audit for current academic program that you are graduating.

For questions regarding JSOM Graduate Degree with Academic Honors, please email the JSOM Graduate Programs Office.


JSOM will reevaluate the cumulative GPA of all graduates after official grades have been posted for the semester. The academic calendar has a section titled ‘Final Grading Period’. This section provides the date when all grades are received. After that date, JSOM will evaluate GPAs for all graduates and issue honor certificates to any graduates who now meet honor GPA requirements when the last semester grades are included. We will also reissue honor certificates to students who move up an honor level.

No, you do not need to request an evaluation as all graduates will be reevaluated.