Frequently Asked Questions – DMHP

Davidson Management Honors Program students taking a group picture

Questions and Answers About DMHP

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the UT Dallas Davidson Management Honors Program, including links and resources if you are interested in the student experience at the Naveen Jindal School of Management.

DMHP Culture

DMHP students are unique. Generally, though, they are leaders, high achievers and innovators. We seek a diverse cohort of students each year with differing interests, experiences and goals; so there is not one specific type of student with whom you will interact.

We require our students to be high achievers. But that does not mean that we only look at your test scores and GPA. We also require the submission of a resume and two essays, along with an optional recommendation form, as part of your application. Selected applicants are interviewed. All the application components allow us to learn more about you beyond your scores. We value a variety of students in our program — with different majors, interests, and goals.

DMHP students have many opportunities to work with professors. We choose exceptional faculty to teach our classes, and these professors enjoy working with DMHP students. Many of our students build meaningful relationships with faculty that last beyond their time at UT Dallas.

Faculty Page

No, DMHP only admits high school seniors and UT Dallas first-semester business majors. We are unable to admit sophomores due to the format of the DMHP course sequence.

DMHP Impact

In addition to being highly selective, we create unique cohorts of students with different majors and experiences. The cohorts are generally small — ranging from 60 to 70 students, allowing for discussion-based classes, more personal interaction and formation of lasting relationships. Creating a DMHP community through service, professional and personal development, travel and social events also sets DMHP apart.

UT Dallas offers several honors programs, and each program has its own application process. DMHP is unique because it is designed specifically for Jindal School of Management students. This focus allows us to provide you skills and opportunities you need while enrolled in JSOM and for future careers. We highly encourage students to apply to the honors programs and organizations for which they are eligible. The various programs and organizations across campus and within JSOM are designed to complement one another.

Honors College Page

DMHP provides many development opportunities. Challenging academics will ensure that you have the technical skills you need to thrive in your profession or succeed in graduate school. Business site visits, mock interviews, alumni panels, corporate speakers, and professional development workshops will help you select a career and build a network. Study abroad, community service, and personal development events will help you grow as individuals while differentiating you in competitive job or graduate school applicant pools. Students also have opportunities to develop leadership skills by serving as peer mentors, interest group leaders, and ambassadors for the program.

DMHP Academics

The program is academically rigorous, and each DMHP class challenges you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary for success. Select faculty teach DMHP cohort classes that offer an enriched teaching and learning environment. Surrounding yourself with faculty and classmates who pursue excellence creates a rewarding academic experience. In most semesters, you will take at least one DMHP cohort class.

DMHP Class Sequence

There are DMHP students who double major or minor in fields inside and outside JSOM. If you wish to double major or minor, it is important to work with DMHP staff and your academic advisor to ensure the successful completion of all necessary requirements.

DMHP students must maintain a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA every semester to remain in good standing (please note that to graduate with Major Honors students must have a 3.5 GPA).

DMHP Study Abroad and Trips

We highly encourage our students to study abroad. Not only does studying abroad allow you to travel to a new area, but it also gives you a chance to experience business in a global setting. Students are encouraged to work with the JSOM study abroad office to find programs and schools that fit their degree plan. DMHP students can apply for the Global Experience Scholarship which provides funding for studying or interning abroad.

Study Abroad Programs

DMHP sophomores have an opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C., and New York City as a cohort. Students create lasting memories with classmates while visiting historical and cultural landmarks. This is often one of the highlights of the DMHP experience for students.

The program also offers an international trip to all DMHP students. Past destinations include Australia, Prague and Budapest, Hong Kong, Croatia, and Peru. These trips offer professional development and cultural immersion. For both trips, students are selected to participate through an application process.

DMHP Travel Page

Additional Requirements

DMHP students are required to attend academic check-in meetings with DMHP staff. Additionally, freshmen, sophomores, and juniors must attend two DMHP-sponsored events per semester (at least one event must be a professional development event). Seniors choose any two DMHP events to attend each semester. Freshmen are also required to attend monthly peer mentoring events and Freshman Friday seminars.

DMHP Requirements

DMHP offers a variety of service events each year. Previous events include volunteering at the Dallas Arboretum, helping tutor students at a local elementary school, working with animals and packing food at the North Texas Food Bank.

DMHP offers professional development events covering a wide range of interests. Past events include alumni panels, business site visits, corporate meetings and skills workshops.

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