Big XII+ MIS Research Symposium

March 24-26, 2023

The Naveen Jindal School of Management at The University of Texas at Dallas is proud to host the 19th Big XII+ MIS Research Symposium on March 24-26, 2023.

The Big XII+ MIS Research Symposium is a forum for faculty members and doctoral students in the Information Systems and Business Analytics disciplines to exchange their research ideas and progresses in all stages. It is also a platform for scholars to showcase their on-going research in emerging frontiers, including but not limited to, management issues and applications of artificial intelligence, deep machine-learning and text-mining, data analytics, behavioral economics, technical/analytical work, and interdisciplinary theories.

The Symposium provides opportunities to engage with top-ranked scholars in the relevant fields on emerging research topics and learn about how to effectively navigate through a long-term academic career.


Conference Chairs

Gaurav Shekhar

Gaurav Shekhar

Director MS Business Analytics – Flex and Online

Naveen Jindal School of Management, UT Dallas
Harpreet Singh

Harpreet Singh

Associate Professor, Information Systems

Naveen Jindal School of Management, UT Dallas
Zhe Zhang

Zhe Zhang

Associate Professor, Information Systems

Naveen Jindal School of Management, UT Dallas


Gold Sponsor

Appian Logo

Silver Sponsors

Prospect Press Logo
PNC Bank

Spot Sponsor

Credit Union of Texas Logo


Sessions of the 19th Big XII+ MIS Research Symposium will take place in the Naveen Jindal School of Management (JSOM) and the Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center (DGAC).


Naveen Jindal School of Management, UT Dallas 800 W. Campbell Rd, Richardson TX 75080. View the Parking Map. Location Pin on Google Maps

Naveen Jindal School of Management

UT Dallas Jindal School map JSOM Building Interactive Map


3:00 – 3:50 pm

Symposium Check-In | ECLAT Atrium, Jindal School of Management

3:50 – 4:00 pm

Symposium Welcome & Introduction | JSOM 1.606 Executive Dining Room

Ramesh Sharda, Symposium Co-founder, Vice Dean, Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State
4:00 – 4:45 pm

Keynote| JSOM 1.606 Executive Dining Room

Sumit Sarkar ,Charles and Nancy Davidson Professor, Naveen Jindal School of Business , UT Dallas
5:00 pm

Dinner | JSOM 1.606 Executive Dining Room

8:00 – 8:30 am

Symposium Check-In & Breakfast (registered only) | JSOM 1.606 Executive Dining Room

8:30 – 8:45 am

Opening Remarks | JSOM 1.118 Davidson Auditorium

Varghese Jacob ,Vice Dean, Naveen Jindal School of Management, UT Dallas
8:45 – 9:30 am

Keynote Address | JSOM 1.118 Davidson Auditorium

Vijay Mookherjee ,Charles and Nancy Davidson Professor for IS, Naveen Jindal School of Management, UT Dallas
9:30 – 10:45 am

1A: Privacy and Security | SOM 1.102

Session Chair: Anala Peddi Reddy

Bridging the Information Privacy Intention-Behavior Gap: A Non-conscious Intervention approach
Lijun Chen (University of Kansas)
Discussant: Madhav Sharma (Kansas State University)

Modern Solutions Create Modern problems: An Updated Perspective on Digital Piracy Justifications
Andy Bowman (Oklahoma State University)
Discussant: Shaobo Li (University of Kansas)

Examining the Role of Privacy Policy on Host Information Disclosure on accommodation-Sharing Platforms
Jiang Hu (University of Texas at Arlington)
Discussant: Chinju Paul (Mississippi State University)

Will Employee Retention Lead to Security Vulnerabilities?
Siwei Jiang (Mississippi State University)
Discussant: Dave Biros (Oklahoma State University)

1B: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning| SOM 1.117

Session Chair: Shukla Shanthakumara

Multimodal Deep Learning Architecture for Automated Incremental generation of Knowledge to optimize Retrospective Chart Review Studies in the Pharmaceutical Domain
Sreehas Gopinathan (University of Texas Arlington)
Discussant: Shujing Sun (The University of Texas at Dallas)

Detection of Fraudulent Campaigns on Donation Based Crowdfunding Platforms using Machine Learning and Rule-Based Classifier Approaches
Pranay Prateek (University of North Texas)
Discussant: Thomas Lavastida (The University of Texas at Dallas)

An Explainable AI Approach to Predict ICU Length of Stay using Multi-modal Fusion Learning
Tianjian Guo (University of Texas at Austin)
Discussant: Deepak Khazanchi (Univ of Nebraska at Omaha)

Building Interpretable and explainable methods to identify bridge deterioration, performance, and maintenance
Akshay Kale (University of Nebraska at Omaha)
Discussant: Young Woong Park (Iowa State University)

10:45 – 11:30 am

Ancillary Session 1: SOM 1.102 | Women in Research

Session Chair: Dawn Owens (The University of Texas at Dallas)

Ancillary Session 2: Meet and Greet with the Big XII Sponsors

11:30 am – 12:15 pm

Lunch | JSOM 1.606 Executive Dining Room

12:15 – 1:00 pm

Panel Discussion: Latest Research in Industry | JSOM 1.118 Davidson Auditorium

Session Chair: Deepak Khazanchi, Ph.D. (University of Nebraska at Omaha)
1:00 – 2:15 pm

2A: Strategy and Platform| SOM 1.102

Session Chair: Adyasha Mohapatra

Does omnichannel integration drive patient preference? Evidence from the online health consultation market
Xiangru Chen (Iowa State University)
Discussant: Xiao Ma (University of Houston)

The Metaverse Church: Institutional Work Toward Forging Actor Networks for Network Innovations
Sunny Whang (University of Oklahoma)
Discussant: Deepak Khazanchi (Univ of Nebraska at Omaha)

Getting Your Money’s Worth: Managing Congestion Through Admission Control vs. Consumption Control
Rajiv Mukerjee (Texas A&M University)
Discussant: Cheng Nie (Iowa State University

2B: Technology and Well-Being | SOM 1.117

Session Chair: Jahnavi Billa

An Alternative Approach to Measuring Business Strategy in Information Systems Research
Jacob Yates (University of Arkansas)
Discussant: Jordana George (Texas A&M College Station)

Do Green Management Practices Matter? Enhancing the Effectiveness of IT Capabilities Toward Mitigating Carbon Intensity
Majed Alghamdi (University of Colorado Denver
Discussant: Harpreet Singh (The University of Texas at Dallas)

Smart Parking Systems and their Impact on the Efficiency of Parking Officers
Ahmad Alharbi (University of Colorado Denver)
Discussant: Lidong Wu (The University of Texas at Dallas)
2:15 – 2:30 pm

Coffee Break | ECLAT Atrium, Jindal School of Management

2:30 – 3:45 pm

3A: Organization and IT | SOM 1.102

Session Chair: Adyasha Mohapatra

The effectiveness of employee tracking technologies
Ramona Ionescu (Baylor University)

Discussant: Kevin Scheibe (Iowa State University)

How Firms Make IT Investment Decisions: An Empirical Analysis Considering Firm Performance and Industry Environment
Fatima Shapouri (University of Nebraska at Omaha)
Discussant: Cheng Nie (Iowa State University)

Learning Complementary Policies for Human-AI Teams
Ruijiang Gao (University of Texas at Austin)

Discussant: Saman Bina (Baylor University)

The influence of Learned Helplessness on transactive memory systems: a multi-level model perspective
Caleb Krieger (Oklahoma State University)
Discussant: Maggie Meng (The University of Texas at Dallas)

3B: Online Markets| SOM 1.117

Session Chair: Gnaneshwar Jasti

Algorithmic control and Its Impact on Worker Behavior and Welfare: Insights from Online Labor Platforms
Yaping Zhu (University of Arkansas)
Discussant: Jordana George (Texas A&M College Station)

Information Sharing and Communication Effectiveness in Platform-Based Crowdsourcing: On the Role of Project Categories and Pitch Videos
Ehsan Ghasemi (Texas Tech University)
Discussant: Chenzhang Bao (Oklahoma State University)

Economic Analysis of Tipping Policies in Online Marketplaces
Kai Sun (University of Texas at Dallas)

Discussant: Jordana George (Texas A&M College Station)

Collaboration Recommendations for an Online Video Community
Yihong Liu (University of Texas at Dallas)

Discussant: Shaobo Li (University of Kansas)
3:45 – 4:00 pm

Coffee Break | ECLAT Atrium, Jindal School of Management

4:00 – 5:15 pm

4A: Strategy and Platform | SOM 1.102

Session Chair: Madhur Mehta

Chasing Market Growth and Matching Efficiency in Two-Sided Platforms: Evidence from the Lazy-Minting Policy in an NFT Marketplace
Hong Zhang (University of Texas at Dallas)
Discussant: Dorothy Jiang (University of Houston)

Effects of Decentralization on Blockchain-based Digital Platform Market Capitalization
Sofia Zhang (Baylor University)
Discussant: Hongchang Wang (The University of Texas at Dallas)

Investigating Future Research Direction in the Blockchain Domain Using Scientific Publications and Patents: Comprehensive Text Mining Approach
Meng (Leah) Li (Mississippi State University)
Discussant: Rachael Xiong (Kansas State University)

4B: Technology and Well-Being | SOM 1.117

Session Chair: Disha Sirsat

Frustrated but Politely: the Effects of Emotions and Politeness on the Success of Educational Fundraising
Yasamin Hadavi (Baylor University)
Discussant: Roger McHaney (Kansas State University)

Neurodiversity and IT: Tackling Task Performance
Carol Harkness (University of Houston)
Discussant: Saman Bina (Baylor University)

Digital Organizations and Organizing Digitally: A Investigation of Digital Transformation on a Public Discourse
Andy Xing (University of Oklahoma)
Discussant: Corey Baham (Oklahoma State University)
6:00 – 10:00 pm

Dinner and Social | TopGolf, Allen TX

8:00 – 8:30 am

Symposium Check-In & Breakfast (registered only) | JSOM 1.606 Executive Dining Room

8:30 – 9:15 am

Closing Keynote: Gurpreet Dhillon, PhD, G. Brint Ryan Endowed Chair of AI and Cybersecurity, UNT

9:30 – 10:45 am

5A: Social Commerce/Media | SOM 1.102

Session Chair: Shukla Shanthakumara

Values of Social Commerce: Influence of Affordance
Mati Ur Rehman (Iowa State University)
Discussant: Heeseung Andrew Lee (The University of Texas at Dallas)

Unpacking the opportunities and challenges of social media organizational-level affordances
Nehir Tanyel (University of Cincinnati)
Discussant: Parisa Aasi (Texas A&M College Station)

Information Warranties – A Game Theoretic Approach to Addressing Fake News
Michael Lewis (University of Houston)
Discussant: Bahar Javadi Khasraghi (Texas Tech University)

5B: Privacy and Security | SOM 1.117

Session Chair: Jahnavi Billa

Moral Foundations Theory and Compliance with Information Security Policies
Jake Keas (Texas Tech University)
Discussant: Andy Luse (Oklahoma State University)

Exploring Antecedents of Information Security Non-compliance Behaviors: An Integrated Perspective of Organizational Control, Peer-monitoring, and Self-Regulation
Sara Memarian Esfahani (University of North Texas)
Discussant: Stephane Collignon (West Virginia University)
10:45 – 11:00 am

Coffee Break | ECLAT Atrium, Jindal School of Management

11:00 am

Closing Remarks

James Zhang, Associate Professor, JSOM, UT Dallas
11:15 pm

Final Announcement

Ramesh Sharda, Symposium Co-founder, Vice Dean, Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State
11:15 pm – 1 pm

Boxed Lunch | ECLAT Atrium, Jindal School of Management


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To reserve a room and when checking in, a credit card is required.
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