Morris Hite constantly searched for the “big idea” that would effectively advertise his clients’ products.
His clients included:

Imperial Sugar
One of Hite’s favorite clients was the Imperial Sugar Company. Imperial Sugar, based in Sugar Land, was refined from locally grown sugarcane. During World War II, the U.S. government established regulations that gave Imperial Sugar an almost exclusive right to distribute sugar in Texas. Following the war, Hite worked with the company to continue its strong market presence. Imperial’s advertising emphasized the purity of sugar. The agency created a cookbook that consumers could order by sending in the “Pure Cane Sugar” tag found on each bag. They advertised heavily in print and on the radio, sponsoring a popular radio program that featured The Stamps-Baxter Quartet.
Borden Milk
Hite learned the Borden Milk business from the ground up. He arose at dawn to ride on a milk delivery route, even learning to load the truck. He asked shoppers why they purchased Borden Milk and then used their answers to develop Borden’s advertising campaign. In one of the more memorable campaigns, Hite promoted Borden buttermilk as a post-holiday hangover cure. The ads, which ran in December and early January, featured the slogan “Bounce Back with Buttermilk” and included a hangover sympathy card to be sent to friends along with a jug of Borden buttermilk.
Haggar Slacks
Hite effectively used television and celebrity endorsements for Haggar slacks. One memorable television spot showed Haggar’s Forever-Prest slacks being crumpled and wadded up and then crushed by a steam roller. The pants were then held up and shown to be wrinkle-free. The ad was so effective that within 24 hours after its first run, Gimbels department store sold its entire Haggar slacks inventory and demanded a rush shipment. Hite also arranged celebrity endorsements from Mickey Mantle and Roger Staubach.

Mrs. Baird’s Bread
Mrs. Baird’s Bread was a long-standing client. Ninnie Baird began selling her bread to support her family after her husband’s death in 1912. Hite effectively used the Baird family’s story to market the bread. Some of his more famous slogans were “Stays fresh longer” and “From the Baird family to you.” Mrs. Baird’s Bread still emphasizes the bread’s freshness and the company’s family heritage as they celebrate 100 years in business.

Maryland Club Coffee
Maryland Club Coffee, an upscale product of the Duncan Coffee Company, benefited from Hite’s creative approach. Although the product cost more per pound than any of its competitors, Hite convinced consumers it actually cost less than other brands since its richness meant less coffee was needed to make each cup. Hite’s slogan, “The coffee you’d drink if you owned all the coffee in the world,” was featured in ads showing Dallas socialites drinking Maryland Club Coffee.