Build Your Campus Presence

Grow relationships with the Jindal School and our students.

The Career Management Center (CMC) offers several ways for employers to build their standing on The UT Dallas campus. Between posting job opportunities and events your company can benefit from and add value to our school’s talent.

Networking and Engagement Opportunities for Employers

exterior view of the Naveen Jindal School of Management building

Job Postings

A posting is an online version of a job description where students can learn about your company’s opportunities. UT Dallas uses the online platform Handshake for companies to post their employment opportunities.

UT Dallas students at a packed class visit by GEICO representatives

Class Visits

A great way to get in front of students is by visiting our classes. Our faculty welcome employers to the classroom for a targeted conversation. Contact for more information.

Jindal School business students at a professional site visit to Essilor

Unique Employer Days

Employers can come to campus for a planned day of advertising that is unique to each Company’s needs. Contact for more information.

students talking with a recruiter at a Tesla recruiting table at the Jindal School of Management

Recruiter Tables

Tables are a great way to meet students throughout the day where they can swing by for short, low-stress conversations. Contact to learn more.

career speakers having a coffee chat at the Jindal School

Coffee Chats

Individual conversations between students and recruiters/employers allow both parties to get to know each other without the stress of an interview. Contact to schedule.

Jindal School student site visit to Pioneer campus

Employer Hosted Site Visits

These visits allow students to see where employers work and take a look into the corporate environment. Contact to schedule.

Jindal School career management center staff leading a résumé workshop

Mock Interviews/Résumé Reviews

Mock Interviews allow employers to give students valuable feedback to improve their interviewing skills. Résumé Reviews offer an employer an opportunity to meet multiple students while providing them concrete feedback to improve their résumé. Contact to learn more.

Jindal School students meeting with career consultants

Information Sessions

Information Sessions allow students to learn about a company’s culture, available opportunities, and career advancement paths. Contact to schedule.

Jindal School student meeting with employer at a UT Dallas career fair

Career Fairs

Large congregations of employers from various industries come together to meet and potentially interview students on site. See Handshake for JSOM (Jindal School of Management) hosted Career Fairs.

information technology career panel hosted by the Jindal School Career Management Center

Speaker Panels/Series

Professionals from specific industries come together to offer insight and answers on particular topics of interest. Contact to learn more.

Jindal School Gamma Iota Sigma event with students and employers

Student Organizations

Employers can meet with student organizations based on academic departments or like-minded interests.

Jindal School and GEICO leadership at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the GEICO room in the Career Management Center

Corporate Partnerships

Companies interested in sponsorships and/or collaborating with the University can reach students in many ways by keeping their name and likeness in many avenues. Within the CMC, we have naming rights opportunities for both large gathering spaces and individualized rooms. You can get more details by reaching out to the CMC directly.

Jindal School students and alumni at a Texas Instruments networking event

Alumni Relations

Are you a UT Dallas alum looking to engage with current students? Contact Employer Relations to learn more about ways to get involved.

Corporate Relations FAQs

Please email or call 972-883-5935 to connect with the Employer Relations team.

JSOM uses Handshake as its online job portal. If your company doesn’t have a Handshake account, visit the Handshake registration page.

Post your job on Handshake and be sure to complete as many fields as possible on the “Create a Job” form to help students find your posting when searching for specific jobs. For promoting on-campus and virtual events specific to the Jindal School of Management, contact for assistance.

Visit The UT Dallas Jindal School of Management Academic Programs & Areas page for programs offered.

Internship FAQs for Employers

The student must complete work that is a learning experience and is aligned with their degree program. The employer must be a registered entity and have a physical office where the student will work. The student is assigned goals at the beginning of the internship and is supervised and mentored throughout the work experience.

Employers are recommended to refer to the Department of Labor guidelines regarding payment for students. In general, “for-profit” companies pay the market rate for interns.

No, the student should be in an “on-site” face-to-face work environment to fully experience the work culture and team dynamics.

An offer letter containing specifics and detailed job description. Additional clarifying information or change confirmation may be requested by email.

  • Company name and address
  • Job title
  • Start and end dates
  • Number of hours per week
  • Estimated total hours to be completed on the internship
  • Location where the student will be working
  • Supervisor name, title and contact information
  • Signed (electronic signature is accepted)

A job description should include sufficient detail to understand the tasks the intern will complete and the skills and knowledge required to determine the alignment with the degree program.

  • A US Citizen or Permanent Resident must complete a significant portion of the work during the semester dates. An F-1 student may only work during the dates authorized on their work visa.
  • Current dates
  • Our international students often offer past work experience blended with US education and can be hired for internships under Curriculum Practical Training (CPT) for roles aligned with their current education program. The role must offer a supervised workplace learning experience and not replace a full-time employee or be an independent contractor.
  • The F1 student must meet the CPT eligibility criteria, including being enrolled in a US university for a full academic year and the student must be approved for CPT prior to the start of the internship.
  • The student must be enrolled in an internship course at the same time as employed in an internship, and there are stricter requirements for start and end dates. See timelines. A student can be hired for a 6-month co-op program, but must be approved for CPT for both semesters.
  • The student can be hired under CPT up to their graduation date and may continue employment on Optional Practical Training (OPT) after graduation.

Contact us to learn more and get involved!

Whether you are an employer looking to connect with our students or a UT Dallas JSOM alumni looking to get involved, we can help!

Contact the Jindal School Career Management Center team