The Sixth Annual OWLIEs Awards Ceremony was a virtual success, proof of the Naveen Jindal School of Management’s spirit of innovation during COVID-19. The online event, hosted by students Charles (Charlie) Hooper and Gautam Sharma was replete with cameo appearances by JSOM Dean Hasan Pirkul and UT Dallas President Richard C. Benson, and all the customary fanfare.
Following the ceremony, winners made appointments to come to campus to collect their trophies in person. Social distancing was the order of the day as Project Manager Norma Rodriguez photographed Senior Associate Dean Monica Powell presenting each winner with a statuette of Wise, the JSOM mascot.
Photos below show all the winners; those who came to campus are pictured with their trophies. Also interspersed here are some comments viewers shared during the online watch party. (For more detail, read the OWLIEs award post on JSOM Perspectives.)
Jindal Selfless Service
This award recognizes an undergraduate or graduate student or community leader in JSOM who has won hearts through selfless acts of service to others and/or the community.

Bella Ngo, junior, information technology and systems
The OWLIEs were fantastic. — Fally Kora
Jindal Student Mentor
This award recognizes an undergraduate and graduate student who have demonstrated excellence in mentoring by encouraging and promoting the educational, professional and personal development of JSOM students.

Undergraduate: Pratiksha Tonpe, senior, marketing

Graduate: Timothy Truong, MBA and MS in Accounting
The event was just awesome and loved it. — Aditi Kulkarni
JSOM Student Most Likely to Be a C-Suite Executive
This award recognizes an undergraduate and graduate student who demonstrates the qualities of a C-suite executive, including drive, determination, mindset and entrepreneurial spirit.
Undergraduate: Karianna Barreto, senior, marketing

Graduate: Gottfreid Lutumba, MBA
The OWLIEs was an awesome production and congratulations to the winners. — Honghang Wong
Jindal Amazing Alum
This award is presented to a JSOM alumnus who has shown excellence in supporting JSOM students.

Lisa M. Ong, MS in Management and Administrative Science’14
The music and red carpet gave the OWLIEs the feel of grandeur. — Prema Kannan
Jindal Employer of the Year
Employers nominated for this award must have posted positions in the Jindal School, hired students for both internships and full-time positions, and helped to support the professional development of students.

Raytheon United Technologies
JSOM Student of the Year
This award is presented to undergraduate, graduate and PhD students considered outstanding examples of excellence in JSOM. They are exceptional students, confident leaders and actively engaged in the life of the school.

Undergraduate: Andrew Blodgett, senior, business administration and marketing

Graduate: Jessica Thompson, MBA

PhD: Mehdi Hosseinabadi Farahani, Management Science
We were proud to see two U.S. veterans awarded with OWLIEs. — UT Dallas Military and Veteran Center
JSOM Faculty of the Year
This award is presented to a faculty member for excellence in teaching, advising, mentoring and/or supporting students. Award winners contribute to the enhancement of the learning experience for students in JSOM.

Undergraduate: Debra Richardson, senior lecturer, Finance and Managerial Economics, and director, Risk Management and Insurance Concentration

Graduate: Carolyn Reichert, clinical associate professor, Finance and Managerial Economics, and program director, MS in Finance
Congratulations to Dr. Carolyn Reichert for winning an OWLIE. — EMBA Staff

PhD: Vijay Mookerjee, Charles and Nancy Davidson Chair in Information Systems, and coordinator, PhD in Management Systems, Information Systems Concentration
JSOM Outstanding Staff Member
The award is presented to a JSOM staff member for excellence in advising, assisting and supporting students. This staff member contributes to the enhancement of the overall experience for students in JSOM.

Corina Cantua, director, JSOM Academic Advising Office
What a fun and impressive production! Thanks for continuing to do this despite the circumstances. It’s good to keep rituals going! — Dr. John (McClain) Watson
JSOM Super Owl
This award recognizes active members of the Jindal School Dean’s Council who provide leadership and support for all the activities of the council. Both undergraduate and graduate members are honored. This year, Senior Associate Dean Monica Powell presented the Super Owl Awards in her videotaped appearance.

Undergraduate: Charles (Charlie) Hooper, senior, business administration

Undergraduate: Amanda Richards, senior, business administration

Graduate: Todd Baty, MBA

Graduate: Lindsay Ren, MS in Accounting and MS in Information Technology and Management

Graduate: Gautam Sharma, MBA and MS in Business Analytics
The OWLIEs was an outstanding presentation. — Vaidy Sarma
JSOM Outstanding Leader: Student Organization
This award is presented to undergraduate and graduate students who lead a JSOM student organization, have provided exemplary leadership to the members of that organization and have had a positive impact on them.

Undergraduate: Sarah Romanko, junior, business administration

Graduate: Rupal Mehta, MBA
The OWLIEs was an awesome production. — Ram Natarajan
JSOM Student Organization of the Year
This award recognizes the JSOM student organization that has made a significant contribution to the school and student body through service, programs and activities.

Undergraduate: Nova Ambassador Program

Accepting the award for the Nova Ambassador Program is Program Advisor Sarah Bengston, director of Undergraduate Recruitment
Graduate: Envision

Accepting the award for Envision is Program Advisor Gaurav Shekhar, program manager, MS in Information Technology and Management