Are classes available in the evening?
Most of the undergraduate classes needed to finish an undergraduate JSOM degree at UT Dallas are available as evening courses.
How do I declare a minor?
A request to add/change/delete a minor can be submitted electronically through your ORION Student Center. Before submitting your request, please read the information outlined in the Catalog. If adding a JSOM minor, review JSOM’s policy regarding minors as well.
If I repeat a course at a community college that I have already taken at UTD, does the community college course grade replace the UTD grade?
No! A student who wishes to repeat a course previously taken at UT Dallas to improve a grade must repeat the course at UT Dallas.
Can I still take courses at the community college after I transfer to UTD?
Yes. Most of the lower-level courses (1000/2000) can be done at the community college. You may find course equivalency information through the Transfer Equivalencies link found under Course Credit, on the Transfer Credit page. BEFORE enrolling in additional coursework off campus, please review the transfer credit information on JSOM’s Policy page AND email to […]
May I use a co-op or internship credit on my degree plan?
You must see an advisor to discuss the possibility of using co-op or internship credit on your degree plan. The advisor must review your degree plan to determine whether or not the credit may be used toward the elective requirements on your degree plan. Neither co-op nor internship credit may be used for any requirements […]
What is 24/30 hour rule?
At least 24 of the last 30 hours needed for a baccalaureate degree must be taken at UT-Dallas. In other words, you can only transfer 6 hours from outside in your final 30 hours.
Where do I go to find information about setting up a co-op or internship?
To get information about setting up a co-op or internship contact the Career Center in the Student Services Building or call 972-883-6816.
Can I take course(s) off campus in my last semester?
No. It is the University policy that you cannot take any degree required course(s) off campus in your last semester.
How many courses may be transferred to UT Dallas from other institutions of higher learning?
You must complete a minimum of 45 hours and at least 50 percent of your major courses at UT Dallas. You must also complete at least 24 of your last 30 hours at UT Dallas. After you begin taking classes at UT Dallas, you must seek approval from an undergraduate advisor in the School of […]
Is tutoring available at UT Dallas?
Academic support is available through a number of tutoring labs, including the accounting, excel and finance trading labs. Additionally, JSOM provides a free resource to improve your writing and speaking communication at the Business Communication Center (BCC). UTD’s Student Success Center (SCC) has additional resources such as academic success coaching, peer tutoring, peer-led team learning, […]
Where can I find my student ID?
Your student ID will be included in your admission letter. It is 10 digits and begins with “20”.
What UTD terminology should I be familiar with?
Galaxy – Main campus portal that gives you access to your student account and quick links to the most popular online campus systems. Net ID – Your login ID you will use to gain access to all online campus systems, including email. Office 365 – Your student email account. All University communications will be through […]
What is the Course Catalog?
The Course Catalog will reflect current academic policies, procedures, degree offerings, course descriptions, and other information pertinent to your studies at UT-Dallas.