Why is a cover letter necessary?
A cover letter should always be sent with your resume. The cover letter tells your why you want to work for the company and tailors your experience to the position for which you are applying. In addition, you are telling a little about who you are as a candidate that is different from what is […]
Can I just make a template of my cover letter and send with my resume since the types of positions to which I am applying are very similar?
Each letter should be tailored to the employer and include at least one paragraph revealing your knowledge of the company and how you can bring your experience and skillset to the employer.
Should I include references with my cover letter?
No, references are provided when the company requests them of a candidate.
What is everything I should include in a cover letter?
How you heard about the job, how you meet the requirements of the job, how does your experience relate to this position, why you are interested in the job. Keep the tone of your letter optimistic and show your motivation to excel.