Providing a Gateway to the Retail Industry
NRF Association at UTD is a student-led organization dedicated to equipping students with the skills they need to excel within the retail industry. The NRF Association at UTD, in collaboration with the NRF Foundation, provides student members networking opportunities, educational and scholarship programs and access to news and research all related to the retail industry.
About the NRF Foundation
The National Retail Federation (NRF), the world’s largest retail trade association, has added the UT Dallas chapter to its roster of more than 100 university student associations, which number more than 6,500 students.
The NRF Foundation provides skills and resources to students for a life-changing career around the world. The NRF Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) that connects people to an industry that’s a great place to start and a great place to grow. The organization is home to an award-winning training and credentialling program providing skills that help people land jobs and get promoted.
Learn more about the NRF Foundation