About Us – SGBI

members of sustainability project team
Sharing a Culture of Intellectual Responsibility

History of the Sustainable Global Business Initiative

The Sustainable Global Business Initiative (SGBI) within the Naveen Jindal School of Management at The University of Texas at Dallas promotes efforts to cultivate sustainable economic initiatives that improve access to sustainable livelihoods, entrepreneurial opportunities and poverty alleviation in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and in the poorest African countries. SGBI also works closely with DFW-based corporations, which includes sustainability in their mission and vision.

The mission of this initiative is inspired by the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), with a focus on SDG Goal 1: No Poverty.


SGBI at the University of Texas at Dallas aims to promote economic advancement and poverty alleviation in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and in developing countries. This initiative also provides scholarships for students and supports faculty conducting international sustainable poverty alleviation projects, with a particular focus on Africa.


Our vision is to be a leading center for global sustainability issues in the United States.

Primary Objectives

At the beginning of 2019, the Naveen Jindal School of Management (JSOM) received funds from the Ann and Jack Graves Charitable Foundation. The three primary objectives of the Ann and Jack Graves Charitable Foundation funds are:

  • To establish a new partnership between the Jindal School of Management and local higher education institutions in host countries. The partnership’s primary objective is to collaborate on poverty alleviation programs by launching some of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and to encourage and support the cooperation between JSOM and universities in host countries
  • To support JSOM’s students and faculty when traveling to poorer African countries while co-initiating and co-managing entrepreneurial poverty alleviation projects. Upon finishing their projects, students are expected to write a paper on the outcome. The research paper(s) will be presented at a biannual conference or workshop organized by JSOM at UT Dallas, or used in a student case competition
  • To support the Center for Global Business and Sustainable Global Business Initiative and organize biannual conferences, workshops, seminars and networking events among business leaders to increase awareness and establish a partnership to fight poverty by launching sustainable business initiatives

Additionally, the fund will support the monthly breakfast meetings of SGBI’s advisory board and the Society of Sustainable Business (SSB). SSB is a registered student organization that supports SGBI in advancing the sustainability mission on campus and in the DFW area.


United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 1

To end poverty, in all its forms, everywhere by 2030.

No Poverty: Why It Matters

Learn more about Sustainable Development Goal 1

sustainable development goals

UN Academic Impact

In November of 2021, The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) was accepted as a member of the UN Academic Impact to further harness the energy and innovation of young people and the research community in service to humanity.

SGBI at UTD is a part of a vibrant network of students, academics, scientists, researchers, think tanks, institutions of higher education, continuing education and educational associations. There are over 1,600 member institutions in more than 150 countries that reach over 25 million people in the education and research sectors around the world representing a global diversity of regions and a thematic wealth of disciplines.

The work of these institutions is vital to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as they serve as incubators of new ideas and solutions to the many global challenges we face.

As a member of the UN Academic Impact, the SGBI acts on its mission by:

  • Improving access to sustainable livelihoods, entrepreneurial opportunities and productive resources
  • Providing universal access to basic social services
  • Progressively developing social protection systems to support those who cannot support themselves
  • Empowering people living in poverty and their organizations
  • Addressing the disproportionate impact of hardships on women
  • Working with interested donors and recipients to alleviate poverty by focusing on the most affected societal groups in representative African countries
  • Reinforcing international cooperation for poverty eradication


Through the SGBI, I believe that UTD can partner with universities in developing economies to listen to the needs of communities and help them develop sustainable business solutions.

– Mike Redeker, Ann & Jack Graves Foundation (MBA’97, MA’01)


We would like to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude to the Ann and Jack Graves Charitable Foundation for supporting the Center for Global Business at the Jindal School. The foundation’s contribution has benefited students, faculty and the broader community at UT Dallas and around the world. The funding provided by the foundation assists students who are taking part in international travel and study abroad experiences, with a particular focus on Africa. The foundation also supports the activities and development of the SGBI in the Jindal School.

Read more about the Ann and Jack Graves Charitable Foundation’s support.