Student Spotlight: Dena Aljabari

by - August 30th, 2024 - Business School, College Knowledge, Dean’s Council: Faces of JSOM, Student Life, Student Spotlight

JSOM Student Dena Aljabari who is a BS in Accounting and Analytics major.

Meet JSOM Student Dena Aljabari

Dena Aljabari is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Analytics at the Naveen Jindal School of Management and she is expected to graduate May 2025.

Aljabari is a member of the Professional Program in Accounting (PPA), a NASH Leadership Fellow and has been honored on the Dean’s List in Fall 2023, Spring 2023, and Fall 2022.

Coming to UT Dallas

For Aljabari, coming to The University of Texas at Dallas meant attending a respected school close to her home in Plano. UT Dallas also had a good reputation in Aljabari’s close family.

“I’m the youngest of six and four of my older siblings went to UTD as well,” she said. “Two of my older siblings were in the business school, my older brother was also an accounting major.”

Life on Campus at JSOM

In addition to her work with the PPA and the Nash Leaders Program, Aljabari serves as an accounting student peer mentor and enjoys helping incoming freshman and transfer students find their footing in the accounting program. Her attentive work as a peer mentor earned her a nomination for an OWLIE award this past Spring 2024.

Events on campus help make college life a blast, and Aljabari was thrilled to meet new people at JSOM’s Weeks of Welcome and unwind during Stress Less With JSOM. Helping at the First-Generation Student Fair for the entire UT Dallas campus, Aljabari was able to meet a variety of students from all different academic pursuits.

This coming fall semester, Aljabari is balancing her coursework with her part-time job at Lennox International by taking classes in the mornings and working in the afternoons.

Aljabari studies hard, but she makes time for fun with friends too.

“I’ve been here two years, and I’ve made quite a lot of friends being in the professional program,” she said. “I’ll take my classes and then normally I’ll hang out in the lounge for a little bit and socialize. I like the games that we have in that lounge. My competitive side and the future accountant in me love that I excel at card and board games.”

Overcoming Obstacles and Finding Success

Aljabari had to overcome being her biggest critic at times.

“You walk into school and a wave of anxiety and nervous feelings overcome you. Thoughts come in, and I’m like, can I do this? Am I going to be great?” she said. “I really had to shut that voice up and I really had to shut that voice up and be like, ‘You are doing great sweetie. You’re crushing it.’”

Being her own cheerleader has led to success in both her program and her work at Lennox International.

“I’m really proud of myself for being able to maintain my GPA standing, my involvement on campus and my position there,” she said.

Aljabari believes practicing great communication and flexibility has enabled her to excel both on campus and at her job.

“I love working with Lennox because they’re such a great and flexible company,” she said. “I prioritize balance in my life and on days when I’m work intensely, I can slow my school studies a little bit, or when exam season comes around, I can let my managers know.”

Aljabari also stressed the importance of self-awareness in maintaining balance.

“I really try to be aware of where I am,” she said. “Where am I struggling? Am I spending enough time on schoolwork? Am I taking care of my needs? Have I eaten today? The miracles that a chicken sandwich can work on me and my mood is astounding.”

In continually assessing where she is, Aljabari can manage and budget her time appropriately.

Mentorship Along the Way

Aljabari feels grateful to have benefited from the guidance of numerous faculty in the Jindal School. She named Dr. Raphael Copat, an assistant professor, Jennifer Johnson, an associate professor of instruction, and Victoria McCrady, an assistant professor of instruction, as three of the most energetic instructors she has had the privilege to know.

“I really appreciate when teachers go above and beyond to make class fun,” she said.

Aljabari also named Tiffany Bortz, the PPA director, as a source of influence and inspiration.

“She’s so sweet, just so kind,” Aljabari said. “As a teacher, she’s balancing a lot to, so, I really appreciate her and her guidance in this journey.”

As a peer mentor, Aljabari often works with Van Dam, the undergraduate accounting program manager.

“I’m very appreciative of her for all of the things that she does for me and the program, and all the opportunities that she sends my way,” Aljabari said.

Advice for Fellow Students

Reflecting on what other accounting students told her about certain classes, Aljabari wanted to advise her fellow accounting students not to stress so much and genuinely enjoy the journey.

“I’m remembering what people said to me, when I was first starting and they were all like, ‘Intermediate Financial Accounting I (ACCT 3331) is horrible,’” she said. “That was the consensus of everyone. I think that’s funny because it wasn’t too bad. If you enjoy working with numbers and problem-solving, this is the path for you. When it gets hard, you can work through it. There’s so much support here. I am so grateful for my family and friends who make me feel I can accomplish and persevere through anything, especially some of those advanced accounting courses.”

Aljabari stressed the importance of having fun while in college, being present in the moment, practicing gratitude and enjoying the journey.

“One of the most important mantras I take with me is that I am exactly where I need to be, doing exactly what I was meant for.” she said. “I’m learning to balance that more, especially being in this program. As a future accountant I love when things balance, and I am excited to enter in this stage of my life where I can successfully balance all the items on my academic, social, and professional plate. Be friendly, be social, be out there, and be the best you can be, are some the main takeaways I have learned and the best advice I can provide.”

Looking to the Future

Aljabari currently feels most drawn to public accounting and plans to take the CPA exam.

As a member of the PPA, she will take graduate-level courses and can Fast-Track to a Master’s in Accounting and Analytics. Right now she is on track to finish her graduate degree in May 2026.

Another internship is on the horizon for Aljabari. She will be working with Crowe, a public accounting firm, where she will help and be a part of their exempt organizations tax team.

No matter what the future holds, Aljabari believes her time at UT Dallas has been well spent.

“I’m really grateful for my journey and all of the opportunities that have come my way. I’m really appreciative of the faculty and staff here,” she said. “I look forward to my future and feel content in the fact that as long as I am enjoying the journey, the destination will come to me.”

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