
JSOM Faculty Members Honored by Academic Journal for Service

JSOM Faculty Members Honored by Academic Journal for Service

Two faculty members in the Naveen Jindal School of Management have been recognized by Marketing Science, a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences and tracked in The UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings™. Sanjay Jain Drs. Upender Subramanian and Sanjay Jain are both professors in the […]

Jindal School Shines at INFORMS Annual Meeting: Faculty Members, Alumnus and Student Win Awards

Jindal School Shines at INFORMS Annual Meeting: Faculty Members, Alumnus and Student Win Awards

At its annual meeting in Seattle Oct. 20-23, the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) presented this year’s Community Awards, several of which went to faculty members, a student and an alumnus from the Naveen Jindal School of Management. Dr. Varghese Jacob, Lars Magnus Ericsson Chair and vice dean at the Jindal […]

Don Taylor Appointed to Healthcare Standards Institute Foundation Board

Don Taylor Appointed to Healthcare Standards Institute Foundation Board

The Healthcare Standards Institute Foundation (HSIF) has appointed Donald Taylor, program director of the Alliance for Physician Leadership at the Naveen Jindal School of Management, to its Standards Board. According to the HSI website, “the HSI Foundation Standards Board consists of industry leaders with a proven track record of honesty, integrity and impartiality.

John Barden Earns Accounting Alumnus of the Year from Alma Mater

John Barden Earns Accounting Alumnus of the Year from Alma Mater

Barden and other alumni were honored at St. John Fisher’s 34th annual Accounting Awards Celebration, held April 23, where he gave a speech.

Jindal School Faculty Member Named as a Top Expert in Retail Industry

Jindal School Faculty Member Named as a Top Expert in Retail Industry

Charles Haseman, a professor of practice in the Marketing Area at the Naveen Jindal School of Management and director of its Center for Retail Innovation and Strategic Excellence (RISE), has been named as one of the Top Retail Experts of 2024 by RETHINK Retail, a platform focused on providing insights, news, and analysis about the […]

Jindal School Team Performs Strongly at Data 4 Good Case Competition

Jindal School Team Performs Strongly at Data 4 Good Case Competition

A team of graduate business analytics students from the Naveen Jindal School of Management competed recently in the Data 4 Good case competition, organized by Purdue University in collaboration with Microsoft, Prediction Guard and INFORMS. They finished first in the Midwest Region and fifth overall. From left: Pushkar Nagpal, Jasmine Nguyen, Rohit Ramesh Kumar, Dinesh […]

Jindal School Faculty Members Named as Dallas 500 Honorees

Jindal School Faculty Members Named as Dallas 500 Honorees

Hasan Pirkul and Gaurav Shekhar Two faculty members from the Naveen Jindal School of Management have been named by D CEO as Dallas 500 honorees for 2024. Dr. Hasan Pirkul, Caruth Chair and Jindal School dean; and Gaurav Shekhar, assistant dean for graduate programs and an assistant professor in the Information Systems Area, were selected […]

Jindal School Faculty Member Named as One of 50 Best Undergraduate Business School Professors of 2023

Jindal School Faculty Member Named as One of 50 Best Undergraduate Business School Professors of 2023

Jedson Pinto Dr. Jedson Pinto, an assistant professor in the Accounting Area of the Naveen Jindal School of Management, has been named one of the 50 Best Undergraduate Business-School Professors of 2023. The honor is conferred by Poets&Quants, a management- and MBA-focused news website. At age 29, he is one of just two individuals on […]

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