Aaron Beaudrie
Director, Undergraduate Recruitment
aaron.beaudrie@utdallas.edu |(972)-883-2591 | JSOM 2.208
Working with the NOVA Ambassadors has been the highlight of my time here in the Recruiting and Onboarding Office. I think it is truly remarkable that these students are willing to devote their free time to engaging and recruiting #futurecomets. Seeing them grow into leaders and changers, I am inspired by their dedication and passion.
Krysta Nero
Recruitment Specialist
krysta.nero@utdallas.edu |(972)-883-6472 | JSOM 2.205
Nova in a nutshell is a supportive, lively, and passionate group of students that genuinely love what they do and the school they represent. It is so special for me that I get to walk with these young adults on this journey with them as they embrace their future and navigate life at such a pivotal transition.
Jessie Burke
Recruitment Specialist
jessie.burke@utdallas.edu | (972)-883-6177
My favorite part of working with the NOVAs is the wonderful sense of community they create. They are extremely knowledgeable about the school and bring energy and passion to everything they do, making all students feel welcome. Each and every NOVA demonstrates incredible leadership skills, and I am confident that they will be extremely successful in their careers after JSOM.