GDI Student – Korean Company, Class of Spring 2021 (Medical Device)
Joining the Global Development Initiative program this semester has been an experience and decision that has allowed me to not only learn but apply the knowledge gained from my classes. Alongside my team, we were able to provide our client Company with market entry strategies and conduct market research, and we were able to obtain a closer, in-depth look into the healthcare industry. Not only did my team members and I provide an in-depth market analysis and market entry strategies to our Company, but we were able to receive international experience which is incredibly invaluable. Being able to learn about different cultures and communication styles throughout the semester is what ultimately allowed us as a team to communicate effectively. Being in an international setting also calls for late nights or early mornings to meet with our Company at a time that works for everyone. Throughout the internship, I learned a few key lessons. One, is the importance of communication, not only with the company but within my team. Understanding that not everyone has the same communication style is crucial to acknowledge, and being able to adapt to where you can communicate effectively is a powerful skill. I also learned the importance of realizing that you will never know everything about a subject, there is always more research to be done. Knowledge is an area to be built upon, and it is okay to acknowledge that you do not know the answer to a question, and then research to reach the answer. The final key lesson is that there will always be challenges in the workplace – it is inevitable. It is how one approaches and confronts these challenges that will determine how much one grows as a result.
To my group members thank you for your motivation and ambition to always go forward. Although we have not met in person yet, I can confidently say that you both have great strengths and a work ethic that will take you far. Thank you to our mentor . . . . who has guided us continuously, provided feedback, and given so much of her time throughout this semester, our team truly appreciates it. Many thanks to the overall administrative team. you all have been incredible in terms of mentorship, organization, and leadership throughout this semester, going above and beyond to make this a rewarding experience for all students.