Welcome Back: Be Sure to Raise Your (Virtual) Hand
Welcome to fall semester, Jindal School students. You have many options to learn and many opportunities to shine. Whether in class in person or attending online, Senior Associate Dean Monica Powell encourages your participation.

A Message from Jindal School Dean Hasan Pirkul
Jindal School Dean Hasan Pirkul reaches out to students, faculty, staff, alumni and supporters with an update on the state of the school as classes resume following spring break and during the coronavirus outbreak.

Jindal School Graduates Take Third in Global IT Challenge
Creating Electra, a utilities chatbot that can reduce costs and provide better service, earned two recent Jindal School graduates third place in the 2018 Atos IT Challenge, a global competition to improve customer service with AI and chatbots.

Jindal Students Plug Into AT&T’s Smart-Cities Project
Jindal School students in Dr. Rajiv Shah’s Entrepreneurial Experience class explored interconnected and internet-of-things technologies to help and learn from AT&T Smart Cities project efforts to solve urban problems.