STEM Symposium Introduces Middle School Girls to Emerging Technologies
The third annual G.I.R.L.S. Stem Symposium at the Jindal School gave middle school girls hands-on opportunities in data analytics, programming, supply chain quality control and logistics. The event introduced participants to information technology.

Experts Explain How North Texas Can Become Epicenter of Fintech Disruption
New financial technologies — fintech — are reordering the financial services industry. Professionals schooled in the changes made a case for Dallas and the surrounding region’s competitive advantage at a recent NTX Disruptors event at JSOM.

New Alliance With Tech Community Benefits MS in ITM Program
A search for more industry mentors led the Jindal School’s MS in Information and Technology Management program into a partnership with the Dallas Technology Ball that has so far netted the program fundraising proceeds and scholarships.

Jindal School Graduates Take Third in Global IT Challenge
Creating Electra, a utilities chatbot that can reduce costs and provide better service, earned two recent Jindal School graduates third place in the 2018 Atos IT Challenge, a global competition to improve customer service with AI and chatbots.

Information Systems Students Tackle Technology’s Future at UT Dallas Conference
UT Dallas and the Jindal School welcomed 300 students, faculty and industry professionals to campus for the 2018 Association for Information Systems’ national Student Chapter Leadership Conference, which focused on “Technologies of Tomorrow.”

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Dawn Owens
Let’s hear from Dr. Dawn Owens about the opportunities as well as challenges of being an ITS professional.

Cultivating Relationships with Tech Companies Critical to Student Success
The Jindal School nurtures relationships with companies that create digital tools and apps — those that include analytics, cloud, mobile, social and software technologies — so that students can be well-prepared to use them professionally.

The Difference Between ITM and Business Analytics
What is the difference between ITM and business analytics, and which one should I choose? Director of MS Business Analytics, Kashif Saeed answers your burning question.

JSOM Profs Bring Data-Driven Business Perspective to Healthcare Operations
Professor Özalp Özer, joined by Assistant Professor Mehmet Ayvaci, is working on improving healthcare decision-support technologies in a collaborative effort with — and funded by — University Hospitals of Cleveland.