Student Spotlight: Dena Aljabari
Dena Aljabari is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Analytics and she is expected to graduate May 2025.

Meet Assistant Professor Federico Siano
Dr. Federico Siano enters the Jindal School of Management as an assistant professor of accounting.

Two Alums Recognized for Professional and Community Excellence
Professional achievements and community service are reflected in the 40 Under 40 Awards alumni Rebecca (Webb) Buell, MS’11, and Dan Bowman, MBA’09, received. Both say JSOM gave them skills and resources they needed to move forward in their careers.

Creativity, Flexibility and Caring Help Accounting Professor Earn Awards
Technology know-how and mentoring, online community building and constant, responsive student engagement led to an Outstanding Accounting Educator of the Year Award for a veteran JSOM faculty member, the fourth to earn this honor.

Scholarships Boost Accounting Students’ Balance Sheets
Accounting students headed toward careers as CPAs and auditors scored scholarships this fall from three of those professions’ top funding supporters. Recipients benefited from good grades, extracurricular activities and strong résumés.

Accounting Faculty Member Named a Best 40-Under-40 Professor by Poets & Quants
Business-school news site Poets & Quants has named an accounting faculty member at the Naveen Jindal School of Management, one of the Best 40-Under-40 MBA Professors.

Two Accounting Students Credit Scholarships for Changing Their Lives
Two merit-based scholarship recipients reflect on their Public Company Accountability Oversight Board awards and their own accountability efforts.

Alum Recognized for Highest Score on Certification Exam
MS in Accounting degree alumnus Joshua Castille earned the highest score of any student who took the Certified Internal Auditor exam in 2019. The Institute of Internal Auditors recognized his achievement at its annual conference.

Whistleblower, Investigative Columnist To Headline 2021 Fraud Summit
Whistleblowing is the theme of 2021Fraud Summit, and keynote speakers at the 16th annual event include Medicare fraud buster Elin Kunz and Dallas Morning News investigative columnist Dave Lieber.

JSOM Pair Studies Motivations and Methodologies of Property Tax Protests
A study of property tax protests by a Jindal School professor, PhD student and a research associate examined the decision-making behind disputed tax bills. Their work looked at hassle factors, aids to effective protesting and more.

Corporate Governance Conference Takes Virtual Format with New Executive Director
The new executive director of the Institute for Excellence in Corporate Governance will convene the 18th Annual Corporate Governance Institute virtually and host discussions on business in China, Securities and Exchange Commission updates and more.

Welcome Back: Be Sure to Raise Your (Virtual) Hand
Welcome to fall semester, Jindal School students. You have many options to learn and many opportunities to shine. Whether in class in person or attending online, Senior Associate Dean Monica Powell encourages your participation.

A Message from Jindal School Dean Hasan Pirkul
Jindal School Dean Hasan Pirkul reaches out to students, faculty, staff, alumni and supporters with an update on the state of the school as classes resume following spring break and during the coronavirus outbreak.

Jindal School in Top 10 in US News 2020 Online Rankings
Both the Naveen Jindal School of Management’s online MBA program and its other online graduate programs ranked No. 6 in 2020 rankings recently released by U.S. News & World Report.

AICPA Chair Advises Accounting Students to ‘Ride the Wave of Change’
Jindal School accounting students packed the Davidson Auditorium to hear American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Chair William (Bill) Reeb encourage them to adapt to change, embrace complex work and welcome higher professional standards.

UT Dallas Wins Ethics Case Competition
A Jindal School junior in accounting and a School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences freshman in political science won the Eller Collegiate Ethics Case Competition recently. Their collaboration earned them each $500 and a trip to New York.

Accounting Alum Earns Top CPA Exam Recognition
Jindal School accounting alumnus Matthew Brooks, MS’18, passed all four sections of the CPA Exam on his first try and scored so well that he earned an esteemed award recognizing him as being at the pinnacle of the 86,000 test-takers last year.

Fraud Summit Audience Grows, Hears Keynotes by Embezzler and Two Investigators
The 14th annual UT Dallas Fraud Summit brought nearly 1,000 people to campus. They came to the Jindal School-hosted event for continuing education in internal auditing and to hear speakers who included top investigators and a reformed fraudster.

Jindal School Accounting Team Takes Second Place in Case Competition
Jindal School accounting students placed second in the annual Grant Thornton Metroplex Case Competition with an advisory plan for a fictional furniture and imported goods retailer laboring to stay in business.

Financial Accounting Standards Board Member Brings Accounting to Life
Jindal School students got a career-highlight opportunity to meet and interact with a financial reporting “deep thinker” when Financial Accounting Standards Board member Christine Botosan spoke at JSOM on FASB’s operations and current projects.