GLEMBA Class of 2016 Visit to Safran Engineering Services
The GLEMBA class of 2016 second visit with Safran India Private Limited took place in Bengaluru, the center for the Safran Engineering Services. Katie Boyle gives us a recap of the trip in this week’s post.

GLEMBA Class of 2016 Visit to Lightspeed Venture Partners
The key to doing business in any market is to keep a long-term perspective, says GLEMBA writer Lisa Klugiewicz. Find out what the GLEMBA class of 2016 learned with Bejul Somaia from Lightspeed Venture Partners in India.

GLEMBA Class of 2016 Tour of Safran India Private Limited
The GLEMBA Class of 2016 international study tour met with the CEO of Safran India Private Limited in Delhi, India. Read the next post in this series written by Katie Boyle.

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Aaron Graham explains the fascinating trip to India at the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).