Jindal School Podcast Offerings Boost Engagement in Digital Realm
Podcasts are one way the Jindal School is reaching out to business students and industry alike during these challenging social-distancing times. Three JSOM-based casts join one from UT Dallas in offering information and insights via digital audio.

Full-Time MBA Program Moves Up Five Places in U.S. News Rankings
The Jindal School’s Full-Time MBA Program moved forward five places in 2021 U.S. News & World Report Rankings of graduate business schools. Dean Hasan Pirkul attributes the jump to a four-year effort to give students more opportunities.

Jindal School Team Brings Home Fifth Healthcare Case Competition Victory
A team of graduate students scored the Jindal School’s fifth victory in the North Texas American College of Healthcare Executives’ annual case competition. The team offered several ways a hospital could help its surrounding community.

Jindal School of Management Stands with Good Company in MBA Alumni Survey
Jindal School grads’ positive responses helped the school score highly on a Bloomberg Businessweek MBA Alumni Survey. The responses show JSOM “has made an indelible impression … in offering educational excellence,” Dean Hasan Pirkul said.