Healthcare Initiatives Add Professional Programs at Undergrad, Graduate Levels
The Professional Program in Healthcare Management and the Elite Scholar and Leader Program are joining the Jindal School’s roster of specialized initiatives tailored to give students enriched academic and professional experiences in their chosen career fields. Both programs are geared to the healthcare industry.

Recent Jindal School Graduate Named to Selective Postgraduate Program
A recent Jindal School graduate will pursue his interest in nuclear security and diplomacy in the Schwarzman Scholars, a postgraduate program in Beijing to train global leaders while building relationships between China and the world.

UT Dallas Undergrads Earn Scholarships for Exemplifying Entrepreneurial Spirit
Three UT Dallas undergraduates will each pick up a $15,000 scholarship from the Texas Business Hall of Fame Foundation at a Nov. 1 luncheon, where business entrepreneurship, resourcefulness and leadership will be lauded.

The Five Worst Things about Studying Abroad
This past summer, Michelle Abuda did more traveling in three months than she did in her entire life. Read to find out about the traveling woes Michelle had learned on her study abroad trip!

Is Followership the New Leadership?
How do you define a leader and a follower and their roles in the business world? Do you see yourself as one more than the other? Caryn Berardi explains in this week’s post!

Managing the Crossroads
Have you found yourself standing at a crossroads in life? Check out these helpful tips from the honor program’s associate director, Caryn Berardi, to set yourself on the right path.

JSOM Student’s Crowning Achievements Include Capturing Miss Corporate America Teen Title
Crowned Miss Corporate America Teen 2015, Rebecca Tjahja is traveling the country for a year as an “ambassador for young women in the business world.”