Capsim and the Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
The BSC provides managers with a fast but comprehensive view of the business. It includes financial measures that reflect the results of actions already taken.

Forecasting in Capsim: The Next Piece of the Puzzle
To forecast is to predict future sales using previous data. Forecasting accurately in Capsim allows players to make the best business decisions possible and to make large profits without any emergency loans.

Capsim: How to Win
Are you looking to get ahead on the Capsim Foundation Challenge? Do you want to win at Capsim? You get to practice making executive decisions regarding accounting, finance, research, design, and more. Many activities mimic real-life situations.

Go, Pro Sales Team! Winning at the Collegiate World Cup of Sales
Our very own UTD Sales team placed in multiple challenges and earned the new top honor, the Collegiate World Cup of Sales. The UT Dallas Sales Team is part of The Professional Sales Concentration, an academic specialization offered by JSOM.

Online Business Simulation Game Stirs Students’ Competitive Juices
Naveen Jindal School of Management students in Dr. Shawn Carraher’s international marketing courses are required to play the Business Strategy Game, an online simulation competition. Many both enjoy it and score among the Global Top 100 performers.

JSOM Students Click With AdWords Competition
A Jindal School of Management student team placed second in North America and 12th globally in Google AdWords Global Online Marketing Challenge last spring. The team’s campaign had a “click-through rate” of 5.58 percent; the benchmark is 2 percent.

Marketing Class Competition Pairs Students with Golin’s Pros
A study of Twitter data had marketing students and their professional mentors analyzing “accelerants of relevance,” all the traits that might cause a piece of news to go viral on social media.

Marketing Student Named Top Sales Sophomore in the Country
Naveen Jindal School of Management marketing sophomore Sam Konings was recently named champion of the freshman/sophomore division during his first external sales competition. Get the details here.

Marketing Competition Offers Training — and Prize Money!
Learn more about the Morris Hite Center-IBM Marketing Customer Insights Competition on Saturday, May 7.

Two Jindal School Teams Headed to Regionals of Contest for Social Good
The first Hult Prize Challenge on the UT Dallas campus brought together organizers from the Entrepreneurship Club at the Jindal School. First place winners of the competition will win $1 million in seed money. Who will win?

Top Sales Student Transformed Adversity into Opportunities
One of the top students in the Professional Sales Concentration has had an extreme past but is transforming adversity into opportunity. Rising star, Kathryn McCord, will surprise you with her story.

Travel Advice for Conferences and Competitions
As you attend out-of-town events for the University, you will get used to networking and meeting so many people at once. Make great connections, represent the school well and good luck with your travels!

Executive MBA Student Places Second in International Contest
It was a close call for John Setty, but he ultimately came out as a winner. Read how this Executive MBA alumnus won second place in the Fall 2015 CAPSIM Foundation Challenge.

Jindal School Entrepreneurs Wow Judges at UT Dallas Business Idea Competition
The winning ventures of the UT Dallas version of “Shark Tank,” the 2015 Business Idea Competition, used technology, one to improve efficiencies in the transport industry and the other to create a more connected home, vehicle and entertainment center.

JSOM Team Places Third in Real Estate Competition
A team of four JSOM students placed third in the annual real estate case study competition winning $2,000 and student ICSC memberships for a year! How they got there wasn’t a walk in the park. Read more to see what these students went through.

Jindal Team Makes It Four Wins in Five Years at ACHE Case Study Competition
JSOM has placed first for the fourth time out of five years at the annual case study competition of the North Texas chapter of the American College of Healthcare of Executives. Read to see how the team stays successful over the years!

Entrepreneurs Pitch Ideas to Mark Cuban and Other Celeb Judges This Friday
Get ready for an exciting event with entrepreneurial pitches, cool business ideas and #CelebJudges this Friday. Seats are filling up, so you might want to save your spot before they run out!

Jindal School Team Wins Inaugural Grant-Thornton Case Competition
A team of five JSOM accounting students took home the first place trophy in a new case competition sponsored by the Dallas office of Grant Thornton, one of the nation’s leading accounting firms. See what the students are doing with their prize money!