5 Reasons to Study Risk Management and Cyber Security at UT Dallas
An understanding of risk management and cybersecurity can help individuals create resilient businesses that can stand the test of potential threats.

6 Reasons to Study Real Estate at UT Dallas
Pursuing a real estate concentration at the Jindal School could be a life-changing step toward a rewarding career. Here are six reasons why studying real estate can set you on the path to success.

Where Do Healthcare Management Students Work?
Mohammad Elashi is a successful entrepreneur who started building his dreams in the healthcare management industry while completing his undergraduate degree at the Jindal School.

5 Movies to Watch Before Attending Business School
I’ve put together a small list of movies I consider all students majoring in business should watch. Not that you should make life moves based on movies, but the overall themes here can give you a small glimpse of the real world.

My Journey From Boots to Business
I’ve always known I wanted to be a part of something bigger; I have regularly strived to make an impact and grow in every situation. That is why the world of business has fascinated me from an early age.

How to Stay Sane and Productive While Working From Home
The list above suggests just a few of the activities that you can do to stay productive working from home. Try to keep your mind calm and composed, as well as try to have fun by staying connected and learning new skills.

Forecasting in Capsim: The Next Piece of the Puzzle
To forecast is to predict future sales using previous data. Forecasting accurately in Capsim allows players to make the best business decisions possible and to make large profits without any emergency loans.

The Goods Market Conundrum and the Supply Chain Crisis Explained
From the consumer’s point of view, one of the biggest mysteries in the pandemic crisis is: What happened to the toilet paper? As I think about it, the toilet paper shortage initially appeared an odd case, but it gave us a glimpse of what was to come.

What is Supply Chain Management? The Supply Chain Coffee Shop
When I’m meeting someone for the first time, I’m proud to announce my major as supply chain management — or SCM. Seven times out of 10, I’ll be saying a string of words they’ve never heard before. The answer is very simple: I can do nearly anything.

Impact of Coronavirus on America’s Supply Chain
The latest threat is the global spread of the coronavirus. The outbreak is beginning to disrupt the supply chains of top production countries, which include; Brazil, Canada, China, India and the United States.

Capsim: How to Win
Are you looking to get ahead on the Capsim Foundation Challenge? Do you want to win at Capsim? You get to practice making executive decisions regarding accounting, finance, research, design, and more. Many activities mimic real-life situations.

Go, Pro Sales Team! Winning at the Collegiate World Cup of Sales
Our very own UTD Sales team placed in multiple challenges and earned the new top honor, the Collegiate World Cup of Sales. The UT Dallas Sales Team is part of The Professional Sales Concentration, an academic specialization offered by JSOM.

10 Hacks for Business School Students: UT Dallas Edition
Business school. A scary new phase in life. If only someone had some hacks for business school students before they spend their first semester away from home… Well, if you’re a part of the Jindal School, you’re in luck. I have listed a couple…

How Three UT Dallas Students Leveraged $15,000 for their Entrepreneurial Future
The Texas Business Hall of Fame Foundation is calling all Naveen Jindal School of Management students to apply for its $15,000 scholarship, which is supported donors throughout the state.

Management Information Systems Aka MIS: A Versatile Degree in a Growing Field
The concept of management information systems (MIS) might not be as foreign as you think. All of us users of technology are information systems managers on a micro scale. Do you use a cellphone or a computer to receive, send, organize data?

JSOM Undergrad Earns Top Intern Award
A Jindal School undergraduate student earned a $1,000 bonus last summer when Enterprise picked him as its No. 1 intern in the region. “UTD really opened the door for me,” top performer and business administration major Slavyk Majewski said.

Everyone Sees Benefits as Alumni Host Dinners for Students
The Jindal School has started a new initiative, Dinner With 12 Comets, that pairs alumni hosts with students at a meal where all can share their JSOM experiences in a relaxed setting while creating new connections and a stronger UT Dallas community.

Top Books for Business Majors
Many of life’s lessons are learned outside the classroom. However, learning new concepts by reading articles and books will help you grow as you go, too. Read the top books for business majors, recommended by our faculty!

JSOM Team Places Third in Real Estate Competition
A team of four JSOM students placed third in the annual real estate case study competition winning $2,000 and student ICSC memberships for a year! How they got there wasn’t a walk in the park. Read more to see what these students went through.