Student Spotlight: Nnamdi Edeoga
Nnamdi Edeoga is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management and is expected to graduate in May 2025.

Student Spotlight: Madison Hill
Madison Hill is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management and a Bachelor of Science in Finance double-major and she is expected to graduate May 2026.

Healthcare Management Students Present Research in Oxford
Raluca Narita and Rishi Patel, both Biology and Healthcare Management double majors, recently had the honor of presenting research at the 2022 Academy of Strategic Management Conference hosted by Oxford University’s Said Business School.

Jindal School Inaugurates Undergraduate Deans Conference
The Jindal School recently held a new conference convening assistant and associate deans of undergraduate business school programs. More than 80 universities were represented, and the deans discussed ways to improve programs and student experiences.

Welcome Back: Be Sure to Raise Your (Virtual) Hand
Welcome to fall semester, Jindal School students. You have many options to learn and many opportunities to shine. Whether in class in person or attending online, Senior Associate Dean Monica Powell encourages your participation.

Shift to Telehealth Might Last Past Pandemic
Use of telehealth resources has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. An alumna who provides telehealth services, a doctor who teaches JSOM healthcare management courses, and a local insurance exec weigh in on the trend.

Healthcare Initiatives Add Professional Programs at Undergrad, Graduate Levels
The Professional Program in Healthcare Management and the Elite Scholar and Leader Program are joining the Jindal School’s roster of specialized initiatives tailored to give students enriched academic and professional experiences in their chosen career fields. Both programs are geared to the healthcare industry.

A Message from Jindal School Dean Hasan Pirkul
Jindal School Dean Hasan Pirkul reaches out to students, faculty, staff, alumni and supporters with an update on the state of the school as classes resume following spring break and during the coronavirus outbreak.

Jindal School Podcast Offerings Boost Engagement in Digital Realm
Podcasts are one way the Jindal School is reaching out to business students and industry alike during these challenging social-distancing times. Three JSOM-based casts join one from UT Dallas in offering information and insights via digital audio.

Jindal School Assistant Dean Awarded Congressional Veteran Commendation
The head of the Jindal School’s Career Management Center has been recognized for his service in the military and as a veteran. Assistant Dean Tom Kim earned a commendation from the Texas 26th Congressional District, where he grew up and now resides.

2019 Scholarship Breakfast: Former Dallas Mayor Emphasizes Need for Education
Former Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings tied education to economic viability in a keynote conversation at the Jindal School’s major annual fundraiser, the Scholarship Breakfast. The event raised enough to provide scholarships for more than 40 students.

Healthcare Panel Tackles Thorny ‘Medicare for All’
Rising healthcare costs have Congress as well as consumers more closely examining “Medicare for All” as a potential remedy, a topic the Jindal School’s Center for Healthcare Management and Leadership took up at its fall seminar recently.

JSOM Internship Expo Creates Opportunities for Students and Employers
The Jindal School’s Undergraduate Internship Expo brought together 1,500 students and recruiters from more than 50 companies. The expo helped students practice networking skills, and it helped employers find students to fill internships.

UT Dallas Excels at DECA Conference—With Freshmen Leading the Way
Freshmen members of the UT Dallas DECA chapter won all the first-, second- and third-place prizes the chapter earned at the 2019 DECA International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Fla. In all, 34 UT Dallas students competed at the event.

Healthcare Seminar Focuses on Challenges of Reining in Healthcare Costs
The Jindal School’s Center for Healthcare Leadership and Management addressed rising healthcare costs at a recent fall seminar. Dr. Forney Fleming, Dr. John McCracken and Don Taylor discussed reform resistance and new concepts and models for change.

Healthcare Seminar Focuses on Ways Employers Drive Down Costs
The Center for Healthcare Leadership and Management focused on employers’ options for providing affordable healthcare insurance at an Oct. 4 event that analyzed rising costs,discussed waste-reduction ideas and looked at a “closed network” of care.

Jindal Graduate Student Receives Award from Healthcare Executives Society
Leadership that graduate student Jakeb Spears displayed in putting on an event at Medical City Dallas Hospital for graduate and undergraduate students earned him an award from the North Texas chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives.

Panel Offers Glimpse into Likely Direction of Healthcare Reform Legislation
The Center for Healthcare Leadership and Management brought experts to the Jindal School recently to discuss healthcare reform legislation in the Trump Administration. The event showcased center efforts to be a thought leader in healthcare management.

New Fellowship Open to Healthcare Management Grad Students
A donation from the North Texas Specialty Physicians Charitable Fund will provide financial assistance to graduate students studying healthcare management who plan to work in the Dallas-Fort Worth area after earning their degrees.

Physician Leaders Offer Their Visions of Healthcare’s Future
Changes on the healthcare horizon — as viewed by doctors, hospitals and insurers — dominated a discussion of the industry’s realignment in a seminar co-hosted by the Jindal School and the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council.