2023 Supply Chain Management Directors’ Conference

image of the Jindal School, UT Dallas, home of the 2022 Supply Chain Management Directors’ Conference

Supply Chain Management Directors’ Conference

Registration Closed

Welcome to Jindal School of Management, UT Dallas Campus

The 12th Annual SCM Directors’ Conference
March 7-8, 2023

No Registration Fee

  • Are you responsible for developing and managing supply chain programs?
  • Are you experiencing difficulties recruiting new, particularly domestic students?
  • Are you in the process of developing a STEM program or enhancing your supply chain curriculum?
  • Would you like to build quality relationships with industries to market your programs?
  • Would you like to improve your internship outcomes or the overall ranking of your SCM programs?

If you experience these issues, you are not alone. The conference, hosted by the Jindal School of Management, brings a unique colloquium specific to program directors, assistant/associate deans, and center managers who are involved in developing and managing different aspects of supply chain management programs and curriculum.

This conference is a premier colloquium for designing, developing, and even reinventing SCM programs. We plan to encourage thought-provoking conversations, debates on the several issues confronting us, and discussions of emerging ideas to promote program success at every level from the classroom through the dean’s suite. This conference also has been selected as one of the top 50 Logistics, Warehouse and Inventory Management Conferences to attend in 2017.

Interested in being a speaker or serving on a faculty panel?

Experts from various universities will provide insights and share innovative techniques. If you are interested in sharing your experiences as a speaker or panelist, please send an email to John Fierst. The agenda may include:

  • Curriculum Development
  • Online Program Development
  • Developing STEM Program
  • Program Assessment (AACSB)
  • Methods to Grow Domestic Enrollment
  • University and Industry Rankings
  • Building Marketable Certificate Programs
  • Building Industry Advisory Board and Relationships

Organizing Committee

If there are topics you would like to see on the program, please let us know, and we would be happy to add them to the program agenda.

John Fierst

John Fierst

Conference Co-Chair, UT Dallas

John.Fierst@UTDallas.edu | (972) 883-4819

David Widdifield, DM

David Widdifield, DBA

Conference Co-Chair, UT Dallas

dsw180001@utdallas.edu | (972) 883-5168

Shawn Alborz

Shawn Alborz, PhD

Conference Co-Chair, UT Dallas
Associate Dean

salborz@utdallas.edu | (972) 883-6455

Message from Dean

Hasan Pirkul, PhD

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the 2023 Supply Chain Management Directors’ Conference. We are pleased to welcome you to the Naveen Jindal School of Management (JSOM) at UT Dallas and we hope you enjoy your time with us.

This year’s conference will focus on differentiation, competitiveness, and several exciting topics, and the importance of strong industry engagement and partnerships for outstanding undergraduate programs and curriculum. This is a wonderful opportunity for business school leaders to share their successes and exchange ideas as they confront challenges and recognize innovations in the field.

I would like to thank the conference program committee for their time and dedication to planning and delivering this conference. I am confident you will have a reinvigorated view of your work in your programs.

Best wishes for a productive and enjoyable conference.

Best wishes,
Hasan Pirkul, PhD
Dean and Caruth Chair of Management

Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speaker 1:

Amanda Lehde
Maintenance Support Manager
North Texas Tollway Authority

Keynote Speaker 2:

Norma Payne
DIF Companies

Conference Agenda

The tentative schedule is noted below and will be updated periodically.

Schedule for Tuesday, March 07, 2023 (Central Time)
Time Program
08:30 – 09:30 AM Breakfast Welcome Reception/Check In
09:30 – 09:40 AM Conference Welcome
09:40 – 10:40 AM Keynote 1
10:50 – 11:00 AM Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:15 PM Session #1: Let’s Get Down to Business: SCM Industry and Professional Association Engagement

Session Description:
With unpredictable economic times on the horizon, this session will explore how program directors can make intentional engagements with industry partners to ensure their students and graduates are set up for success in the workforce. We will discuss building relationships with industry advisory boards and other industry-related professional associations.

Moderator: David Nowicki (University of North Texas)
Panelist 1: Scott Grawe (Iowa State)
Panelist 2: Tanya Penny-Woods (Howard)
Panelist 3: Harry Ziff (Kutztown, East Penn Manufacturing)
12:15 – 01:00 PM Lunch
01:00 – 02:15 PM Session #2: The Supply Line of Education: Delivering SCM Courses in 2023

Session Description:
It’s not uncommon for today’s college student to take a course from an iPad on the train to work, and just a couple of decades ago, this idea would have sounded unthinkable. How do we deliver supply chain education in 2023? This session will discuss distance learning and remote course formats, as well as how certificates or micro-credentials may complement a student’s educational record and help them achieve their goals.

Moderator: Denice Ware (Howard)
Panelist 1: Elaine Singleton (University of South Florida)
Panelist 2: Jake Dean (University of Wisconsin – Madison)
Panelist 3: Greg Carter (Collin College)
02:15 – 02:25 PM Coffee Break
02:25 – 03:40 PM Session #3: Across the Globe and Down the Street: Recruiting Students to SCM Programs

Session Description:
Students in our programs have myriad identities: non-traditional, veteran, and international are just a few. This session will explore how we recruit a diverse pool of students to supply chain programs, and we will discuss the challenges that various student populations face and how program directors can help overcome those challenges.

Moderator: Marko Bastl (Marquette)
Panelist 1: Margaret Kidd (University of Houston)
Panelist 2: Jose Noguera (Southeastern Louisiana University)
Panelist 3: Daniel Lin (University of San Diego)
03:40 – 03:50 PM Wrap up: TBD
03:50 – 04:35 PM Small Group Discussions

Participants will be able to split out into small group discussions to continue the conversation from a previous session or to talk about something that may not be covered in depth in other sessions.

04:35 – TBD Dinner
Schedule for Wednesday, March 08, 2023 (Central Time)
Time Program
08:00 – 09:00 AM Breakfast
09:00 – 10:15 AM Session #4: Supply Chain and Society: How We Make an Impact in Our Communities

Session Description:
Sustainability and societal impact have grown increasingly important in the supply chain education landscape. This session will focus on ways programs may incorporate these themes into their curriculum and extracurricular programming. AASCB standards will be discussed, and this session will help participants think of ways to meet the AASCB standards through their work, with an additional focus on equity and inclusion.

Moderator: Subhro Mitra (UNT – Dallas)
Panelist 1: John Visich (Bryant University)
Panelist 2: Kevin McCormack (Northwood University)
Panelist 3: Elizabeth Fisher (Michigan State)
10:15 – 11:15 AM Keynote 2
11:15 – 11:25 AM Coffee Break
11:25 – 12:40 PM Session #5: Into the Future: Supply Chain Automation and Technology

Session Description:
Today’s supply chain professionals know that automated solutions for success are embedded in the foundation of the work they do, and students need to be equipped with the technological skills necessary to contribute to supply chain operations. This session will explore supply chain technologies (A.I. analytics, machine learning, robotics) that are becoming common place in supply chain curriculums, as well as their formats (academic software, cloud-based platforms, etc.) and program placement.

Moderator: TBA
Panelist 1: Clinton Purtell (University of North Texas)
Panelist 2: Naresh Pandey (UT Dallas, Nokia)
Panelist 3: Sean Trainor (Cynosure)
12:40 – 12:50 PM Wrap Up and Closing

Travel and Hotel

Hotel Information

2023 conference participants may book with the Doubletree by Hilton Dallas/Richardson located at 1981 N. Central Expwy. in Richardson. Please click here to book using the special discounted group rate, and use the Group Code: SCM.