Can you help us predict the future?
Help the UT Dallas MS in Marketing program become the oracle of college students worldwide: $1,200 in incentives*
If you have two minutes, are a UT Dallas student in good academic standing and enrolled this semester, you’re just the person we’re looking for!
This is a fun market research experiment that is being done in two parts:
Experiment Part One
is super easy, and one winner will be chosen at random after the survey closes to receive $500.*
Part One Deadline: The survey will close at midnight on Nov. 12, 2017, or when we reach 3,000 submissions, at the discretion of the Naveen Jindal School of Management MS in Marketing team.
Please take two minutes and fill out this simple survey
Complete SurveyExperiment Part Two:
Didn’t win and want to show your social media prowess? No worries; you will get a second chance and this time earn $700 for this task. The creative challenge will be based on amplifying the survey results we provide. More details will be provided that week.
As soon as we analyze and present the survey results, we will post these on our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts. The student who can amplify the message on social media the best through a viral video of their own, and/or a Twitter, Facebook and/or other social media campaign, will earn $700. The winning metrics will be based on who gets the highest number of views, shares and retweets; a secondary metric will be impressions if applicable.
Part Two Deadline: Survey results will be posted two business days after the survey closes. Student entries (video, Facebook post, Tweet) must be received by midnight, Nov. 26, 2017.
Results will be posted on the Jindal School Facebook and Twitter accounts (please follow us).
Part 1 – SURVEY
Survey will close at midnight on Nov. 12, 2017, or when we reach 3,000 submissions
Survey results will be posted the week of Nov. 13 on Jindal School Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Student social media results based on survey results must be received by midnight, Nov. 26, 2017.
* Restrictions apply. Please see the rules on survey page for details.
Questions? Please email us at msmarketing@utdallas.edu