Undergraduates Sarah Ching, Iris Mostrom and Ca Nguyen battled with more than 550 student teams from around the globe in the Spring Capsim Challenge, finishing the Capsim Foundation competition in fourth place.
The contest, which took place in April, tested participants’ abilities to make a series of business decisions that simulated eight years of operations during a single weekend.
“This contest is open to both undergraduate and graduate students who have participated in the simulation,” Dr. Larry Chasteen, clinical professor of Organizations, Strategy and International Management who also is head of the Professional MBA Online program, said. “Previously, I have had UT Dallas MBA students make the finals, but this is the first time one of my undergraduate teams made the finals.”
The Capstone® and Foundation® Business Simulation Challenge is a global online competition held in the spring and fall semester each year. The competitions are open to all students who have used a Capsim business simulation in their university course in the previous 12 months. For more information about Capsim or about it simulation competitions, visit the company website.