Three Naveen Jindal School of Management print publications earned recognition in the 2014 MarCom Awards competition, an annual international contest for marketing and communication professionals.

“Make Business Your Future,” an undergraduate recruiting brochure, earned a MarCom Platinum Award in the print category of recruitment.
“You’re Hired,” a design for a story about the Jindal School’s Career Management Center that appeared in the Autumn 2013 issue of MANAGEMENT magazine earned a MarCom Gold Award for magazine interior spread.

The overall design of the spring 2014 issue of MANAGEMENT earned a gold award in the educational institution magazine category.
The Jindal School External Relations staff, under the direction of Jindal School Associate Dean for External Relations and Corporate Relations Diane McNulty, worked with the Dallas design company ThinkHaus Creative to create the award-winning works.
“We are very pleased to have earned these trophies by showcasing some of the school’s excellence,” McNulty said.
The annual MarCom Awards competition is a creative contest open to individuals and companies that conceive, write and design print, visual, audio and Web materials and programs. It drew approximately 6,000 entries last year, from all 50 states and 34 countries. Entrants range from freelancers to corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, design shops and production companies.