Wise, the owl statue, had barely taken roost in the courtyard of the Naveen Jindal School of Management before the JSOM Dean’s Council decided to mount a schoolwide awards competition that pays homage to its shiny countenance.

The first-ever Owlie Awards this year seek to honor students, faculty and alumni who reflect the ideal of a JSOM community member. The Dean’s Council is seeking nominations in 16 categories.
The owl statue, named Wise by Brad Oldham, the Dallas artist who created it, was acquired for the Jindal Art Collection and installed in the school’s courtyard last October. The mirrored stainless steel owl is just a half-inch taller than three feet.
Complete rules for the competition, including attributes for each of the 16 awards, are available on the Dean’s Council website. Honors will be given for such meritorious service as Jindal Master Mentor, Amazing Alum, Student Research Explorer and Student Entrepreneur, as well as 12 additional categories. In all cases, nominations must be made from a UT Dallas email account and no self-nominations will be accepted.
Deadline for all nominations is 5 p.m., Friday, April 13. Winners will be announced at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 22, in JSOM’s Davidson Auditorium.