Productivity Up Worldwide, UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings™ Show

by - February 22nd, 2019 - Faculty/Research


The UT Dallas Top 100 Business School Research Rankings™, released Feb. 21, show universities around the globe gaining competitive ground in business school research productivity.

Published annually since 2005 by the Naveen Jindal School of Management at The University of Texas at Dallas, the rankings are a compilation based on business school faculty research publications in 24 leading peer-reviewed journals. Each year, the rankings, reported for North America and for schools worldwide, reflect a rolling five-year average.

Thirteen countries are represented among the top 100 in the latest — 2014 to 2018 — reporting period of the Worldwide Rankings. When they were first published in 2005, only nine countries made it into the top 100.

China led the way for non-American universities this year with seven universities in the top 100, up from six last year. Other than the United States, Canada is the only nation to previously have had more than six universities represented in the worldwide standings.

The number of universities from the United States and Canada in the top 100 of the global ranking has steadily decreased since 2005. However, productivity in both countries has steadily increased. Top 100 U.S. universities produced 7,957 articles in the 2014-2018 reporting period, compared to 5,359 articles in the inaugural 2000-2004 period. The number of articles from Canadian universities in the Top 100 has gone from 207 articles in 2005 to 545 in 2019.

The number of publications by Top 100 universities from countries outside North America has increased from 538 in 2005 to 2,489 in 2019. China has led the way by increasing from 155 articles in 2005 to 647 in 2019.

Hasan Pirkul

“Being able to analyze productivity by country is an interesting facet of the UT Dallas Top 100 Business School Research Rankings,” said Dr. Hasan Pirkul, Caruth Chair and Jindal School dean. “To see international universities gaining on American schools speaks to global competitiveness and puts us on notice to stay on our toes.”

In the 2014-2018 reporting period, the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania was the most productive university, as it has been since the inception of the rankings.

The Leonard N. Stern Business School at New York University climbed from No. 3 to No. 2 in the Worldwide Rankings. NYU moved ahead of Harvard Business School, which had occupied the No. 2 position since the 2012 report. That year, NYU was No. 6.

The Jindal School and Columbia Business School rounded out the top five in both North American and Worldwide Rankings, coming in at No. 4 and No. 5, respectively.

Speaking about the latest rankings, Pirkul said he sees the UT Dallas Top 100 as a valuable benchmarking tool for business leaders and academics. He said that top academics are drawn to hubs of research productivity. “So rankings can be a valuable faculty-recruiting tool,” he said.

“A cycle of faculty recruitment and corporate engagement helps to strengthen a business school’s programs, which helps it produce graduates who are well-prepared to provide real value to the corporations that hire them,” he said.

The Carey Business School at John Hopkins University made the biggest jump in the rankings since last year, moving from No. 100 to No. 86 in the Worldwide Rankings.

France’s INSEAD was the top school outside North America in the Worldwide Rankings, coming in at No. 6. The next school outside North America in those rankings was the University of London’s London Business School, which came in at No. 21.

The United Kingdom and Canada each had six schools on the worldwide list, followed by Singapore with three. France, the Netherlands and Australia each have two schools on the list. Spain, Denmark, Italy, Germany and India each have one school in the Top 100.

For a complete listing of the most recent research productivity rankings, visit The UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings™.

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