Alumni from the Naveen Jindal School of Management boosted the school’s reputation recently in their responses to survey questions from Bloomberg Businessweek. The Jindal School ranked highly on four of five questions Bloomberg put to MBA graduates. The questions were part of survey data Bloomberg collected in compiling its 2018 Bloomberg Businessweek Best B-Schools rankings.
The rankings, which Bloomberg Businessweek released Sept. 10, “show that the Jindal School has made an indelible impression on its alumni in offering educational excellence,” said Dr. Hasan Pirkul, Caruth Chair and Jindal School dean. “They say we encourage originality and vision. And they say graduates see the value in this and in helping one another.”
JSOM ranked No. 6 among 126 business schools surveyed for favorable responses to a question that asked alumni whether they would recommend their school to a friend because of the quality of its academic program.
Alumni responses put the Jindal School ahead of such other business schools as Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper, MIT’s Sloan School of Management, Stanford’s Graduate School of Business and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. UT Austin’s McCombs School of Business and Texas A&M’s Mays Business School came in at No. 21 and No. 22, respectively.
JSOM alumni agreement with the statement “My education emphasized innovation and creativity” put the school at No. 10 for that question. The only other Texas school on that list was UT Austin, which ranked No. 30.
When Jindal School alumni were asked whether they would recommend their alma mater to friends who are interested in entrepreneurship, their affirmative responses resulted in the No. 13 ranking for JSOM. UT Austin’s McCombs ranked No. 8, and Rice University’s Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business ranked No. 16.
The Jindal School came in at No. 25 for the survey question in which alumni were asked whether their alumni network helped build their careers. The only other Texas school on that list was Texas A&M’s Mays Business School, which came in at No. 30.
The only question in which the Jindal School did not rank in the top 30 was the one asking alumni whether their school’s name and prestige have been beneficial to them.
That result was not surprising for a university that is only this year celebrating its 50th anniversary and has a management school that has only been in existence since 1975, said Dr. Monica Powell, the Jindal School’s senior associate dean and graduate dean.
“One of the universities on that list — Oxford — has been in existence for nearly 1,000 years and most of the others have been around since at least the 19th century,” Powell said. “It takes time to build a university’s name and prestige, and UT Dallas is younger than any of the ones on that list. Our time will come, as evidenced by our ranking on the ranking on the other three lists.”