Jindal School Professor Honored as DSI Fellow

The Decision Sciences Institute recognizes JSOM professor Dr. Kathryn E. Stecke.
(From left:) Asoo Vakhaira, chair of the Decision Sciences Institute fellows selection committee, Kathryn E. Stecke and Janet L. Hartley, president of the Decisions Sciences Institute

The Decision Sciences Institute recognized Naveen Jindal School of Management professor Dr. Kathryn E. Stecke’s scholarly research and leadership by naming her a fellow of the organization at its 2019 conference in November.

The DSI fellow recognition is the third Stecke has received. In 2009, the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences named her a fellow, and in 2017, she was inducted a fellow of the Production and Operations Management Society.

Stecke is the only person to have been elected a fellow in all three organizations.

“This singular achievement highlights Dr. Stecke’s dedication and leadership in her field,” said Dr. Janet L. Hartley of Bowling Green University, president of the Decision Sciences Institute. “These designations reflect on her career commitment to high-quality scholarship and underscore the regard in which she is held by her colleagues.”

A member of JSOM’s Operations Management Area faculty since 2002, Stecke, Naveen Jindal Advisory Council Chair, is known worldwide for her scholarly expertise in flexible manufacturing and supply chain issues. She speaks globally about supply chain management, operations and marketing interface concerns, flexible manufacturing systems and seru, a Japanese organizational and production system that focuses on electronics product assembly.

To be eligible for the fellow designation, Decision Sciences Institute members must be distinguished scholars, as demonstrated by substantive research contributions. They must be members of the DSI in good standing for at least the last five years, and they must have been a leader in and contributor to the institute’s vision, mission and activities.

In selecting Stecke, the institute’s board of directors noted that she has published more than 80 refereed journal articles and has been involved in nearly 40 PhD dissertations. Her activity in the Decision Sciences Institute have included serving as program chair for the 2017 conference and fulfilling many leadership roles.

She was one of three DSI fellows elected in 2019. The other two were Dr. Morgan Swink of Texas Christian University and Dr. Srinivas Talluri of Michigan State University.

An international professional organization that celebrated its 50th anniversary last year, the Decision Sciences Institute has a membership of more than 2,700 academics and practitioners who create, develop and distribute knowledge to improve managerial decisions and decision-making involving systems and people.

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