MS Management Science Spotlights

Ron Dugan, MS’91

Ron Dugan, MS’91

Portfolio Manager, AmeriTrust

Dugan, who recently joined AmeriTrust in Tulsa, manages client portfolios in order to meet their individual investment objectives. “My time at UTD was integral in building upon my educational foundation,” he said. “The flexibility of the degree program gave me the opportunity to focus more of my studies in finance, which helped me at my job at that time and prepared me for larger roles going forward.” Dugan, who earned his grad degree in Management and Administrative Sciences, with a heavy concentration in finance (before Jindal School offered a master’s degree in finance) had earned his undergraduate accounting degree at Texas A&M University. He is both a CPA and a Certified Financial Analyst. He has broad experience in the financial industry, including time at the Meadows Foundation in Dallas and Russell Investments in Tacoma, WA.

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