International Center for Decision and Risk Analysis

International Center for Decision and Risk Analysis

Risk Management is a highly relevant growing field of study

While probability and statistics are the primary quantitative techniques of Risk Management, there are many other techniques (such as optimization, decision theory, control theory and game theory) which play an essential role in managing risk. The goal is to build knowledge and apply such techniques while considering the interdisciplinary aspects. The mission is to develop Risk Management as a comprehensive scientific discipline that provides methods, concepts and techniques for dealing with uncertainties in decision-making.

About ICDRiA:

The research at ICDRiA primarily involves risk management related to industrial projects involving new technology, new applications and markets and large investments. These projects are funded by commercial markets, such as telecommunications, automotive and pharmaceutical industries or by the public sector such as defense, space and energy. Our approach is to develop relevant models—validated by practitioners—to derive concepts and results which help to understand the impact of uncertainties. We provide useful, tested tools for mitigating risks and decision-making. We focus on the situation of several players, with various possibilities of rules of the game.