Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate FAQYou will set up your degree plan during your Freshman/Transfer Orientation or during your first advising meeting. We will keep an official copy in your file and will provide you with a copy for your records. This will be your primary tool as you plan current and future registrations.
All testing scores must be sent officially from the College Board system. We are unable to use test scores from transcripts. The AP Credit Equivalency Chart is found on the Credit by Exam page.
A minimum GPA of 2.000 on a 4.000 scale (C average) is required in the major and related courses, in any declared minor and overall. Major preparatory classes are included in the calculation of the major GPA. Only grades earned at The University of Texas at Dallas are used in calculating this GPA. Additional information regarding GPA and academic good standing is outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog.
Please remember that for courses taken off campus:
- “C” or Better Required – students are required to receive a grade of “C” or better for the course to transfer to UT Dallas
- Lower Level Courses Only – When taking courses at the community college, only lower level courses can be completed, for example, HIST 1301 or MATH 1325. Upper-division (3000/4000 level) courses cannot be done at the community college level.
- Grades Do Not Transfer – Grades earned in transferred courses will not impact the UT Dallas GPA
- Submit Official Transcript – Once you complete the course, you must submit an updated official transcript to our office or the Office of the Registrar (It may be possible for the transcript to be sent electronically). Once an official transcript is submitted, only then will a student be able to register for a course that has a prerequisite taken off-campus.
- No Off-Campus Courses During Graduating Semester – No coursework may be taken off-campus in a student’s final graduating semester.