Are there any student organizations for MS ITM?

Yes, there are many student organizations that enhance your school experience.

More from General - MS ITM FAQ

What are the qualification criteria to apply for MS ITM?

What are the qualification criteria to apply for MS ITM?

What Vaccination is necessary before coming to USA and Can I take the TB test screening in India?

What Vaccination is necessary before coming to USA and Can I take the TB test screening in India?

Am I eligible to apply for MS ITM program since I am not from IT background?

Am I eligible to apply for MS ITM program since I am not from IT background?

Is MS-ITM STEM recognized program?

Is MS-ITM STEM recognized program?

Are there any campus tours available where I can learn more about the program as well as the school?

Are there any campus tours available where I can learn more about the program as well as the school?

UT Dallas Jindal School students in a campus coffee shop requestion information

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