STEM occupations have grown three times faster than non-STEM careers over the last decade. It is estimated that one million additional STEM graduates will be needed over the next 10 to 15 years to fill economic demands.
- With baby boomers approaching retirement, there will be a lack of highly skilled workers to meet workforce needs. Along with this challenge, the U.S. has to increasingly compete with emerging foreign markets focused on expanding their STEM-related industries.
- All these factors add to continued STEM job growth for years to come. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 12.5% growth rate in Computer occupations between 2014-2024. That’s 488,500 new jobs in Computer occupations! This number climbs to over 1,000,000 when taking into account workers who are permanently leaving these occupations due to retirement and such.
Impact on Society
- You can make a difference by creating or improving products, services or applications. STEM professionals solve such real-world problems as finding cures for cancer and inventing new forms of energy for conservation efforts. The greatest advancements in our society from medicine to mechanics have come from those who have studied STEM.
- According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, the STEM workforce has an outsized impact on a nation’s competitiveness, economic growth and overall standard of living.
High Salary
- On average, new STEM graduates earn more than graduates from other fields. For more information about salaries, benefits, industries and occupations, visit America’s Career InfoNet.