Top fraud professionals gather to share experiences, lead workshops and network.
The Fraud Summit, put on annually by the Jindal School’s Center for Internal Auditing Excellence, gathers professionals interested in the latest trends in fraud schemes and fraud prevention.
The two-day summit also offers continuing professional education through workshops and a general conference. The workshops offer 8 hours of CPE credit, and the conference offers another 8 hours of CPE credit.
Fraud Summit brings IIA and ACFE Global Chairmen
The 13th Annual Fraud Summit welcomed J. Michael Peppers, the IIA’s Global Chair of the Board, and Alexis Bell, the ACFE’s Chair of the ACFE Board of Regents, together as speakers for the first time at the same UTD event. In addition to Bell and Peppers, the Fraud Summit welcomed over 700 attendees, 35 breakout session speakers, 7 sponsors, 2 workshops, and over 50 students.
This year’s workshops included:
Getting to the Root of Things – Alexis Bell and Paul Dunlop educated attendees on how fraud risk management can be a competitive advantage for organizations. Organizations need to not only prevent, detect, and respond to fraud, but they must learn from events. This session familiarized participants with how organizations can identify control breakdowns, diagnose, and isolate systemic risks that lead to unnecessary losses and impacts.
Procurement and Contract Fraud – Nick DiMola and Paul Flora reviewed key factors to effectively assess fraud risk within a company and identify indicators of corruption and fraud in contracts and procurement activities. They emphasized the importance of having the correct controls, processes and preventative strategies to mitigate the possibility of fraud.
This year’s keynote speakers included:
Alexis Bell: The CEO and founder of Fraud Doctor LLC, Bell helps companies protect themselves from fraud by specializing in international litigation support, antifraud consulting, training, and board advisory. Bell is currently elected member to the international Board of Regents for the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) and appointed board member for the LexisNexis Fraud Defense Network Advisory Board.
Rich Girgenti: More than 40 years of experience as an executive, adviser, director and attorney specializing in fraud and misconduct investigations., fraud risk management, and regulatory compliance and independent integrity monitoring services for the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. Girgenti has held a number of high-level legal and law enforcement positions, serving as New York State Director of Criminal Justice and Commissioner of the Division of Criminal Justice Services and was a veteran prosecutor and senior executive in the Office of the Manhattan District Attorney.
J. Michael Peppers: The IIA’s 2017-2018 Global Chairman of the Board will discuss purpose, service, and impact for the internal audit profession. Peppers currently serves as the Chief Audit Executive (CAE) for The University of Texas System, one of the largest public university systems in the United States.
The center puts on the Annual Fraud Summit and proceeds benefit center students and the program.
For information on attending the summit, please contact joseph.mauriello@utdallas.edu.