Student Spotlight: Madison Hill

by - July 12th, 2024 - Business School, College Knowledge, Dean’s Council: Faces of JSOM, Student Life, Student Spotlight

JSOM Student Madison Hill who is a BS in Healthcare Management and Finance double major.

Meet JSOM Student Madison Hill

Madison Hill is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management and Bachelor of Science in Finance double-major at the Naveen Jindal School of Management and she is expected to graduate May 2026.

Hill is a National Merit Scholar and involved in the Davidson Management Honors Program (DMHP) and Collegium V (CV).

Coming to UT Dallas

As a National Merit Scholar, Hill felt UT Dallas was the ideal choice for her education.

“UTD has a really robust honors college program, which I was super excited about,” she said. “I liked the idea of living in housing with other honors college students. It’s got good programs and isn’t incredibly expensive.”

Between Classes at JSOM and Part-Time Work

In addition to DMHP and CV, Hill has previously served as an officer for the UT Dallas Philosophy Club.

She balances her coursework with a part-time job at Fisher Investments that she has had for roughly nine months.

“I’ll usually do school very early in the morning, like 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. and then I’ll be in the office from like noon to 6:00 p.m.,” she said. “I’m a junior associate on their competitive resources team. Before I worked in competitive resources, I was working with financial planning and estate planning in a private client support role.”

Overcoming Obstacles and Finding Success

Hill believes that she encountered many of the same obstacles as the rest of her college peers when she started her undergraduate degree.

“It’s hard to move away from home,” she said. “You have a hard time adjusting to having to take care of yourself in all of the ways, but I feel like that’s pretty normal. I’m very much a ‘say yes to everything’ kind of person, so working 30 hours a week and then doing full-time school. I think at one point I was taking 18 hours and then I was in the office for 30 hours and that was way too much.”

Not having a reference point for juggling academic and work lives, Hill had to learn how to pace herself so that she could excel in her work and honors programs. It has been a challenge, she said, but she is managing her time well and taking new victories in stride.

“Moving teams at Fisher was a really great opportunity,” she said. “I worked kind of like a scheduling adjacent role for about six or seven months. Then I took on an ad hoc project, working with external CPA’s to make sure that our clients had good referrals.”

Mentorship Along the Way

Hill has been grateful for support from Brittney Kwan, director of DMHP and Josh Kreuter, an Honors program specialist at CV.

“Brittney at the DMHP and Josh in CV have been really helpful in just making sure that everything plays out the way it needs to because I just don’t have the capacity a lot of the time to oversee so many little moving parts,” she said.

Advice for Fellow Students

Hill advised that new college students always try to keep an academic calendar.

“Take that time to schedule out: this is my social time, and this is when I’m doing school,” she said.

Since getting the part-time role at Fisher Investments helped Hill see more opportunities in the field, she advises that other students also get their feet on the ground in the workplace.

“I had a really hard time just doing school for a year,” she said. “That was the worst. I think that getting real-world experience early-on can make you want to finish college more.”

Looking to the Future

While Hill works toward her May 2026 graduation, she sees future doors opening for her at Fisher Investments.

Hill believes Fisher Investments might be a great place to grow her career, and she looks forward to expanding her knowledge and skill sets both on the job and in the classroom.

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