Student Spotlight: Aaliya Mohammed

by - April 24th, 2024 - Business School, College Knowledge, Dean’s Council: Faces of JSOM, Student Life, Student Spotlight

JSOM marketing student Aaliya Mohammed.

Meet JSOM Student Aaliya Mohammed

Aaliya Mohammed is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Marketing at the Naveen Jindal School of Management and she is expected to graduate December 2024.

Mohammed is a recipient of the Padmaja Navaneethakrishnan Memorial Scholarship and has been honored on the Dean’s List in Fall 2022.

Coming to UT Dallas

When it came time to apply for colleges, Mohammed’s options were UT Arlington, Texas Women’s University and UT Dallas.

“My top choice was actually UTD, one because it’s close to home and two it has an admirable business program that stood out to me,” she said. “Another point is that UTD had a good Muslim community. I’ve heard good things about the inclusion and acceptance within UT Dallas’ community and for myself, it’s something I really value. I want to be able to connect and immerse myself with the community. The diversity at UTD was also another attracting factor!”

The strong sales program at JSOM and her positive interactions with faculty helped Mohammed make her final decision to come to UT Dallas.

“I think being able to experience the professors like the ones we have here is probably one of the best things about coming to this university,” she said.

Life on Campus at JSOM

Mohammed enjoys spending time outdoors on campus, and one of her favorite pastimes is doing digital art on her iPad when the weather is nice.

“I’ll just sketch something on my iPad at the Plinth just to be in the sun, being outside helps me refresh and sort out my thoughts” she said. “Plus, people-watching is fun too.”

Mohammed has been involved with the Muslim Students Association and Islamic Relief at UT Dallas (IRUTD) where she has participated in volunteer efforts helping assemble relief packages to go to the Dallas community and abroad.

One of the events on campus that Mohammed found challenging and enriching was the Corporate Showcase, which she attended as part of her Professional Sales class.

“That was my first opportunity to sell myself and my experiences as a student,” she said. “It was my first time being put in a situation like that and it really pushed me out of my comfort zone.”

Overcoming Obstacles and Finding Success

Mohammed believes one of the hurdles she has faced in her academic and professional journey has been overcoming assumptions people make about her because of her appearance.

“First impressions are everything,” she said. “You tend to make judgements about someone the second you meet them, even if you don’t intend to.”

Mohammed wears a hijab, and while she is proud of that part of her identity, she does feels like it can be a barrier in interviews or meeting people, especially in the corporate world.

“At Corporate Showcase, everyone around me looked the same,” she said. “And when I arrived there with my hijab, I feel a little out of place. And I wonder if employers would want someone that’s more American.”

Even with this insecurity, Mohammed has made great first impressions in the professional world. Mohammed landed her first internship at Lenity Light Hospice doing social media marketing.

For her internship, Mohammed helped manage the company’s social media platforms and content for the company’s blog, which sparked her interest in SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Mentorship Along the Way

Mohammed feels grateful for the support and encouragement of several prominent faculty members at JSOM.

Dr. Fang Wu, a clinical professor of marketing at JSOM, made a positive impact on Mohammed’s school experience even outside of the classroom.

“Dr. Fang Wu always left a lasting impression on me,” she said. “I loved the way she taught class and her assignments and projects were extremely beneficial. Just the fact that she remembers who I am and she remembers my work really means a lot to me, even after I left her class.”

Dr. Parneet Pahwa, Mohammed’s instructor for her social media marketing course, inspired Mohammed with her extensive knowledge, approachable demeanor, and willingness to make herself available to students.

“If you need anything, she’s there,” Mohammed said. “Dr. Parneet Pahwa inspired me with her many accomplishments in the research field and amazing work ethic. She’s also always available for us regardless of her busy schedule and made herself approachable with her welcoming demeanor. Dr. Pahwa is definitely one of a kind and I’m glad I was able to take her class this semester and experience being her student.”

Mohammed also expressed deep admiration for professor Semiramis Amirpour, who taught Mohammed’s professional sales course.

“Her energy is amazing,” she said. “She’s one of the most influential people I know. When you talk to her, you just gravitate to her. She’s inspirational as well. She pushes you to go beyond your comfort zone and I’m truly grateful I was able to take her class. Not only is it interactive, but her teaching style allows you to progress and grow as a person. It pushes you to become better and do things you didn’t know you were capable of.”

Advice for Fellow Students

As Mohammed looks back, she wants to encourage her fellow students at JSOM to be mindful of how quickly their college years will pass.

“My biggest advice, if I could go back and change one thing in my first year, would be to not be afraid to show who you are because you only have one chance to do it,” she said. “I would say do everything you can, get that internship. Go apply and involve yourself within the community and don’t be afraid to talk to people. One of the biggest pieces of advice my father had taught me was to be comfortable being uncomfortable. That has really resonated with me throughout my professional journey. Put yourself in uncomfortable positions because it’s the only way you will improve and grow!”

In the spirit of seizing opportunities, Mohammed has a daily practice where she makes a point to genuinely compliment someone she does not know personally.

“It puts me in a position where I’m uncomfortable, but then just seeing it make their day makes me happy,” she said. “So don’t be afraid to talk to people and put yourself out there.”

For Mohammed, putting herself out there helped her grow comfortable in situations that used to intimidate her. She remembers having to do a video for a public speaking class while in high school and freezing in front of a camera and her family.

“Afterwards, I started putting myself out there with spoken word poetry,” she said. “I wanted to push myself and improve, so I started attending spoken word events and competitions and presenting.”

Now Mohammed regularly performs on campus, and she is amazed at the impact her spoken word art has made on people.

“I performed a piece a year ago and I still have people coming up to me about it, remembering my spoken word,” she said. “My public speaking journey is one of my biggest accomplishments with how far I’ve come. I started from barely being able to present in front of my family to confidentially presenting spoken word in front of hundreds of people with tone and passion.”

Looking to the Future

Mohammed’s primary area of interest is SEO and content marketing. She feels especially drawn to advertising for perfume and beauty companies as well as marketing for healthcare.

“The concepts are so fun and interesting, and your attention is directly driven,” she said. “I want to figure out a way to capture people’s attention through content. It is a challenge I’m excited to explore, especially with how much content there is out there.”

As an artist, Mohammed looks forward to expressing her creativity in the business world. She plans to apply for a second internship and then jump into a full-time role after her December 2024 graduation.

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