Sleeping in Class Do’s and Don’ts

by - January 29th, 2020 - College Knowledge, Joining JSOM, Student Life

A man feeling sleepy

Sleeping in class. We’ve all done it, even if we don’t want to admit it. There are thousands of different positions to doze off in class, but I’ve compiled together a few of my favorites.

Top 4 ways to sleep in class

1. The “This class is boring” sleeping in class position

Way too comfortable Sleep

One of the most common ways students fall asleep, this occurs when the lecture is passive and you’re just “resting your eyes”.

2. The “If I can’t see you, you can’t see me” Sleep

“If I can’t see you, you can’t see me” Sleep

Sometimes you just want to sleep in class but you don’t want to be seen as disrespectful, so you hide behind a notebook, computer, or folder. Anything to make it look like you’re paying attention when in reality you’re catching some z’s.

3. The “I stayed up too late binge-watching Disney+” Sleep

“I stayed up too late binge-watching Disney+” Sleep

This one’s kind of rare, but sometimes, it’s hard to keep your eyes open, even when you’re taking notes. This may have happened because you wanted to watch another episode of The Mandalorian…

4. The “Way too comfortable” Sleep

“Way too comfortable” Sleep

Sometimes you don’t care if you’re being disrespectful, you just really need some sleep and attendance. So you show up to class to get counted present, then you settle in and close your eyes.

But a question remains… Should you sleep in class?

Now seeing someone in any of these positions is pretty amusing, but imagine being that person, the one who falls asleep in class. It’s a pretty scary experience because you don’t know how long you were asleep for if the teacher noticed, and what topics they went over while you were getting your beauty rest. Make sure you take advantage of Student Resources if you are having a hard time.

Well, there’s no need to fear because I’m here to give you some tips and tricks to keep yourself awake during those long class lectures! Part of being successful in college is managing to stay awake.

Ten Tips to Avoid Sleeping in Class

  1. Bring a water bottle to class
  2. Every time you get that tired feeling or you start to zone out, drink some water. Drinking cold water helps keep you hydrated to keep you focused. If you don’t drink enough water, your body doesn’t function as well as it could.

  3. Sit at the front of the class
  4. Being closer to the teacher is a great motivator to stay awake in class. Studies have also proven that sitting in the front of the classroom, leads students to receive higher grades on exams. Win-win, am I right?

  5. Be active
  6. Interact with your professor! Even if they don’t provide engaging activities, you can make them. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

  7. Take deep breaths
  8. By taking deeper breaths, you raise your oxygen levels, slowing your heart rate, lowering your blood pressure, and improving circulation.

  9. Chew gum/bring a snack
  10. Chewing something activates specific regions of the brain meaning your brain becomes more active and you stay more awake!

  11. Go to bed early
  12. So you can wake up early and feel well-rested.

  13. Get some exercise before class
  14. The adrenaline from working out, taking a stroll, stretch, or doing some jumping jacks before class will help you stay awake.

  15. Keep a good posture
  16. If you focus on sitting straight up in your seat, you won’t be able to fall asleep. You rest your head and you will crash and burn.

  17. Take notes (or doodle if it helps)
  18. It keeps you active and it helps you focus on what you’re learning in class. Even if it’s random scribbles, it’s better than being asleep.

  19. Walk about in the back of the classroom
  20. If you get tired, just find a spot in the classroom where you are not distracting anyone and walk about back and forth or take notes while standing.

With these tricks, you won’t end up like our friend at the beginning (hopefully)! Do you have any tricks to share with us? Leave us a comment. As about our Management Programs.

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