Florent (AC) Ndindjock, a UT Dallas business administration senior who is earning a concentration in risk management and insurance, was awarded the prestigious $4,000 CPCU Scholarship to help pay tuition, books and fees for his final semester. The Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter program honors just 100 college students studying risk management and insurance nationwide. Ndindjock is now working on his CPCU professional designation.

“Insurance may not have been my first career choice but I quickly fell in love with it,” Ndindjock says. “My passion comes from knowing I can make a difference somewhere. From my experience as a claims associate, to internships with AT&T and Marsh & McLennan, the ground has been laid for this journey.”
In 2016, Hurricane Matthew tore through the Caribbean and made landfall in Florida. Ndindjock was a sophomore in the Naveen Jindal School of Management at UT Dallas at the time. “I learned about the difficulties faced by people without adequate flood insurance coverage,” he recalls. “I was curious to know how insurance companies would respond to such a catastrophe.” That simple curiosity led to classes at Jindal School, his internships and ultimately the CPCU scholarship.
Ndindjock also holds the UACIC designation — University Associate Certified Insurance Counselor. This certification is specifically for students enrolled in risk management and insurance undergraduate degree programs and gives them a significant head start on earning the Certified Insurance Counselor designation upon graduation.
“AC’s hard work and willingness to help others will serve him well upon graduation,” says Debra Richardson, the RMI program director at UT Dallas. “He’s the kind of professional that RMI businesses are hungry to hire. This scholarship is a testament to AC’s drive for success.”
Ndindjock has been very active with Gamma Iota Sigma, the international risk management, insurance and actuarial science collegiate fraternity which has a chapter at UT Dallas. He most recently served as vice president for recruitment and alumni relations. He now serves as a student member of GammaSAID, the Gamma Solutions for Authenticity, Inclusion, & Diversity. GammaSAID is a student-led initiative to foster understanding of, establish solutions for, and be a representative voice in matters of authenticity, inclusion and diversity in the insurance industry.