Q and A with Mary Beth Goodrich, Senior Lecturer in AccountingJSOM’s much loved senior lecturer Mary Beth Goodrich shares her experience teaching Accounting and engaging with her
students outside of the classroom.
JSOM: There seems to be a perception among many people that accounting and internal auditing are boring careers. Can you
explain why this isn’t true?
Goodrich: Well, I think accounting is extremely exciting. One of the courses I teach is Accounting Communications. In
accounting communications, one of the exercises I get the students to do when we first start out is to do a professional
development plan. And one of the things they do is go to a site called This Way to CPA, and I think a lot of them are
shocked to see that there are over 2,200 different types of jobs that accountants can do. I think accounting is far from
boring! You can do anything from audit to tax to internal audit.
I personally think internal audit is one of the more exciting careers because it lends itself to students being able to
go travel. That’s an area that I was part of in my earlier career — internal audit. I traveled to Scotland; I traveled
to England; I audited processes and procedures; and I’ve actually visited over 47 of the 50 states — and a lot of those
were because of internal audits that I did. I would have not necessarily chosen to go to Des Moines, Iowa, or Omaha,
Nebraska, but I went there as part of my job and audited different processes and procedures for my companies there. So
it gave me a great opportunity not just to see accounting in the nation but to also just see these different parts of
America and different parts of the world.
So I think accounting is extremely exciting. And if you’re going into business, I feel like accounting is really the
heartbeat of the business. If you don’t understand accounting, it’s hard for you to be successful in business.
Let’s talk about your career and industry. Can you tell me what led you into that and also what made you transition into
Now one of the things that really molded where I ended up getting, ultimately, was internships. So I strongly encourage
students to do internships. I actually did three different accounting internships, and I think that the process of doing
those really kind of directed me to what was the best career for me.
The first internship I did was in tax. So internships do several things. One is to let you know if you love a certain
area, but it can also let you know whether that area is not a perfect fit. For me, tax wasn’t a great fit. I did tax
returns in a CPA firm, a small regional firm in the area, and it just wasn’t a great fit. I didn’t feel excited about
it, so I knew that wasn’t something I wanted to pursue ideally once I graduated.
The next job I did was as a cost accountant at Greenwoods Metals, which is a division of Reynolds Metals. And I was able
to work on a construction project and looking at the costs and whatnot, and that one was a lot better of a fit for me.
So that was kind of what I wanted to go into with maybe cost accounting or working in a company seemed like a better fit
for me.
Once I graduated I did go into working for an oil and gas company, in accounting, but then unfortunately lost my job in
the oil downturn in the ‘90s.
I kept thinking in semesters, which was kind of an interesting thing, so I knew I probably needed to get back to school
because I’d be at work and I’d be like, “Oh, this semester. No, it’s this month! It’s not in school anymore!”
So I decided to pursue my MBA, and I remember sitting in one of my MBA classes and a professor came in and talked about
internal audit — that they were kicking off an internal audit program at the graduate level, and he asked questions
like, “Do you like to ask questions? Do you like to see how things work? Do you like to make things better? If those
sound good to you then internal audit might be a great career.” And I was like “Yeah, I ask a lot of questions, so this
might work for me.” So I talked to the professor, and I got into that program. That’s really where I felt was a great
mix of being able to apply accounting but then also look at business at a higher level.
My third internship was in internal audit in a Vulcan Materials company. So I moved to Birmingham, Alabama, and actually
audited rocks. Rock processes, getting rocks to where they needed to go and looking at all kinds of different things. I
traveled to New Orleans and all over the U.S. with that job and loved it. That was a much better fit for me.
Once I graduated with my MBA, I actually took a job here in Dallas with EDS, which is now part of HP, and I worked there
as a financial accountant.
But I kind of moved into doing a little bit more on the technology side, and then I ended up moving to The Associates.
When I was at The Associates, I started auditing a lot of systems development projects and other things like that. If
you look at the certifications I have, I moved from accountant to more on the system side, starting with CPA, CIA –
certified internal auditor – and then moving into the certified information systems auditor.
Now getting into academia was kind of an interesting thing. I was traveling about 50 percent of the time, and I had my
first son, and I really wanted something that was going to get me out of the travel. At my current job that wasn’t an
option. So I tried out teaching here at UTD —actually in 2001 and loved it, and so I ended up — I wouldn’t recommend
this to students but — I quit my job, and on that day I got an offer to work at UNT to teach a couple of classes.
I did that as an adjunct at UNT for a year, and then I ended up getting a senior lecturer position here a year later.
That’s how I moved into teaching.
An interesting thing about teaching is I was always that person in my department that they’d say, “Hey will you — you
had the United Way campaign — explain it and get people excited about it,” or “Will you put this training program
together?” So I think always in the back of my head, I’ve always enjoyed sharing concepts and ideas and really helping
people get excited about content that they’re learning. I think where I am now is the perfect place for me – teaching
You’re well known for your engagement with JSOM students. Tell me how do you maintain such a high level of student
engagement outside the classroom?
When I was a student, I always tried to be active in organizations, and I felt like that was a huge part of who I was.
It helped to develop my leadership skills and my soft skills. I want to challenge students now at UTD to do the same. I
feel like if I’m active and involved, hopefully they’ll take the lead to see that. That’s something I see as important.
I’m not just saying this is a good thing to do, I’m doing it along with you guys. So try to push yourself, get involved
in organizations and make the most of your time here.
I teach mostly at the graduate level, and most of our students are here only two years at the most usually. Maybe a
year. That’s not a lot of time; so you want to make the most of your time here. The best way to do that is by taking
advantage of the career center, getting involved in organizations such as Ascend, ALA (Accounting Leadership
Association) or becoming a part of the Dean’s Council. All of these are examples of places that students can get plugged
in, but I feel like if you don’t, you’re missing out on a rich part of the experience here.
You’re actively involved in outside organizations that are part of the industry. How does that benefit your career and
how it benefits students?
Ascend is a good example. I am the faculty advisor of Ascend here at UTD. I’m also part of the professional Ascend
chapter, and so that is a great example of being in the professional organization helps the students, but then it also
helped the professional organization to be plugged in with UTD when they have job needs or if they have needs even for
We’ve been able to have a lot of the professional organization meetings here on campus, and it’s been great visibility
for the University as well as helping out with these organizations to get a part of it.
I’ve been involved in other organizations like the Institute of Internal Auditors and whatnot, and I can tell you that
being involved in those types of organizations are extremely beneficial to you professionally. You just never know. For
me, I’ll call on people I met years ago in the internal audit organization to come and be guest speakers here at UTD,
and it’s fantastic. I think that’s an important part.
When students graduate, I encourage them get involved — “Now that you’ve graduated, it’s just as important to be
involved.” If you’re scared of public speaking, stay in Toastmasters. You want to continue that once you graduate. I’ve
done Toastmasters in the past earlier in my career to help me with stage fright or whatever, and a lot of students have
I think that professional organizations are really the way to go. You need to stay involved and network. There are so
many reasons for that, but I think from a career standpoint, once you get out in your first job, the next job you get
it’s probably going to come from your network. What’s your network? Those organizations you are a part of it.
So I understand you’re learning Mandarin Chinese. Tell me a little bit about that.
An interesting part of my journey is I actually lived in China for two-and-a-half years. Several years ago. While I was
there, I wanted to learn the language, and I knew that it was going to be difficult because the languages are so
different. Mandarin Chinese is very different from English. I’ve actually been studying it for over eight and a half
years, and the fun thing is that I did go to China and actually went there for my husband’s career, but it’s ended up
benefiting me greatly and benefiting the University greatly because we have so many international students.
It helps me connect with a lot of the students on a different level, and I also feel like I have a little bit more of an
appreciation for the challenges that our international students go through by coming here to study in the U.S. And what
the challenges are that maybe other folks that haven’t lived in other very different cultures, if they haven’t been
exposed to that, they probably have no idea how difficult that is.
I am continuing to study Chinese, and my students help me along the way, and I’m always asking them for fun slang term
so I can shock them.
That’s great! So tell us about your favorite memory so far of your time at UT Dallas and the Jindal School.
I mean that’s really difficult. I’m going to share a couple of them.
One was really early in my time here at UTD — probably in like my second year of being here — in 2003. I taught not in
our fancy building here; I taught in one of the temporary buildings and whatnot, while we were growing. I came to class
one day, and my students surprised me with a cake and basically a baby shower. I was pregnant. It was the summer
semester, and I mean I think they were just afraid I was going to have the baby in class or something, but they showered
me with just having a cake.
I was like, “This isn’t just a job. This is a family.” I couldn’t believe that the students all talked outside of class,
made this happen and just did something fun for me as their professor. It was really fantastic, and that was many years
There’s been so many other great memories here. UTD — and especially JSOM — is like a family. It’s a community.
I remember talking with my Ascend students, saying, “You know, it would be fun if we did a little video to help our
students relax with the stress of finals.” The song I was thinking would be Shake it Off by Taylor Swift — it was really
popular at the time. So my students just took that and ran. They did a video and went all around the campus and even had
me in the video. I thought that was a really fun memory that just shows that the students want to be there for each
other even in the most difficult times like final exams.
There are so many other memories. I mean just the people I work with are fantastic, and the students will come and tell
me great things that are happening when they get jobs; and there are so many memories every day that are made here. It’s
really hard to pick just one but those are a couple.
What else do we need to know — that your students need to know —about you?
If you take my class, I’m going to push you. I’m going to push you in ways that I feel like you need to be pushed.
That’s different for different students. A lot of times, the international students just need to push out of their
comfort zone and be more assertive, and that may go against the culture that they’re used to. For domestic students, I
think a lot of times the domestic students tend to just — business, business, business — “I’m going to come to class, I
want to get things done” — and they don’t always take advantage of the culture of JSOM is what I would say. And so
trying to get them more involved in some of the organizations and activities on campus and also to embrace the great
culture that we have on campus.
Try to make friends with some of the students from all over the world that we have here. Those are some of the things
that I try to also incorporate in the classroom. I try to get students to meet, to network, to become friends with the
people in their class and to reach out to each other and just build that community.
I teach very different classes. I teach a communications class, Accounting Communications, which mostly is accounting
students, but then I also teach SAP. In that class I have students from all kinds of backgrounds coming in — ITM,
accounting, finance, supply chain, etc. So it’s really great to get all the different cultures together to work on these
challenges. So I mean those would be the main things.
If you’re coming in my class, you’re not just going to be sitting there, you are going to be really pushing yourself,
and if you aren’t, I’m going to make sure you know that I know you’re not. I think that you want to make the most of not
just your courses.
The other thing is I don’t like students just saying, “I’m here to make an A.” That’s not a good answer in my class. I
want you to learn the material. I want you to be able to explain the material. In the communications class, it’s kind of
a challenging one. A lot of times, there’s not one right answer. In communication, there are a lot of things that factor
into that, and I think that you want to just challenge yourself and really think about what’s the best way, the best
approach to do whatever you’re having to do.
What are you excited about these days?
I’m excited about a lot! I am excited about life. One of the things I’m most excited about these days is in the
communications class, the students have the opportunity to work with clients in small to mid-size businesses, and I
think that it’s just been eye-opening for a lot of the students to work with small and mid-size businesses.
I think the University is doing a great job of getting prepared for the CPA firms, to go work at Texas Instruments, and
Fossil, and Linux — at all of our big corporate neighbors. But what are we doing to prepare you to start your own
business, or to be a CPA to all these small businesses that come with a shoe boxes and say, “Here, do my taxes, please.”
That is the challenging thing, and I think that students don’t realize that there’s people that really operating like
that. They don’t understand the basics of internal control.
One of the things that I’ve found in these courses is that the students are really able to educate a lot of these
entrepreneurs on how to use technology to benefit. That’s one of the things that I love about UTD and JSOM, is that
we’re very technically savvy. The students are very savvy, and so we are able to really help you small to mid-size
businesses, which are the lifeblood of America — and also a lot nonprofits.
We work with a lot of nonprofits like the YWCA, which is now called Wings, and a lot of other nonprofit organizations.
Another one’s called Cause Studio, which goes out and helps other nonprofits get set up.
And we’re able to use our accounting expertise to help improve these small businesses and these nonprofits, and I think
it’s been fantastic, and some students have even gotten jobs through doing that.
The challenging part of that is that there’s really no right answer because these are case studies; they’re real life,
and I don’t have the answer, so the students have to kind of come up with what they feel is the best course of action.
That’s very related to communications as well as related to just applying your accounting, and it’s been a fantastic
So far we’ve had over a 110 projects that have been done for small to mid-size businesses, and over 450 students have
gone through the program. So it’s really exciting. It’s kind of giving what I feel like the vision of JSOM is and what
Dean Pirkul really wants students to do, which is getting hands-on application. Getting meaningful experiences is why
you’re here. These are great examples of meaningful experiences that students are never going to forget doing.
They might forget what was talked about in class and all the details, but they’re never going to forget a huge project
where they added value to a client. No, those are things that I think are fantastic about being in JSOM. Just having
that vision of really trying to do something that not just helps some students but also helps the community. So I’m
really excited about that.
Transcribed by Linh P. Nguyen.AccountingApplying to JSOMFaces of JSOM
Madison Hill is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management and a Bachelor of Science in Finance double-major and she is expected to graduate May 2026.
Niko Taha is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems & Technology and he is expected to graduate May 2025.
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