6 Tips to Spring Clean Your Life

by - March 15th, 2019 - Student Life

With everyone hopping on the KonMari Method trend, and Spring Break just around the corner, we’ve come up with six ways you can spring clean your LIFE. From organizing your backpack to scheduling naps and taking brisk walks, college life should bring you joy!

Step 1: Empty your Backpack

Let’s be honest: you probably have flyers from last semester in there, and maybe even an empty chip bag or two. Completely empty your backpack, sort through what you can toss, what needs to be filed away and what you should keep in your bag. You’ll feel brand new and five pounds lighter.

Empty your Backpack


Step 2: Clean Your Workspace

How can you focus when your desk is cluttered? Does that empty pen and unsharpened pencil bring you joy? No. So throw away the scraps, file the papers necessary, get some Lysol and clean your workspace. You’ll feel so much better and will be able to fully focus on the task at hand.

Clean Your Workspace


Step 3: Take a Break

Life as a college student can be tough. It’s important to balance your work with pleasure; make sure to take breaks and get a good night’s rest, especially before a big exam.

Take a Break


Step 4: Get Some Exercise

Get those blood vessels pumping! Whether you’re a full-time gym rat or have never lifted a weight in your life, it’s important to move your body regularly. Put your book down, go outside and work in a quick 30 min walk. You’ll thank yourself afterward (and feel less guilty ordering pizza to celebrate studying).

Get Some Exercise


Step 5: Pack Your Lunch

Constantly on-the-go, students often struggle eating a proper meal. While meal prepping like the fitness pros might not be feasible, you can certainly take a few minutes to pack your lunch. You’ll save time and money – and always have a snack on you, too.

Pack Your Lunch


Step 6: Fold Your Laundry

Just like cleaning up your workspace helps you focus, folding that week-old pile of laundry will do the same. If your living area is clean and put together, it’ll put your mind at ease. So get up and put those clothes away!

Fold Your Laundry


We know a lot of these tips might sound cliche, but that’s because they work! Get good sleep, study in intervals, take a walk and make sure everything you’re working on truly brings you joy.

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