AICPA Chair Advises Accounting Students to ‘Ride the Wave of Change’
Jindal School accounting students packed the Davidson Auditorium to hear American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Chair William (Bill) Reeb encourage them to adapt to change, embrace complex work and welcome higher professional standards.

Restaurateur Talks About Successful Entrepreneurship at Weitzman Institute Event
The Herbert D. Weitzman Institute for Real Estate at the Jindal School hosted restaurateur Phil Romano at a special event. Romano, creator of EatZi’s, Trinity Groves and other eateries, spoke about his new book and his journey as an entrepreneur.

Trade Pact Concerns Aired at Global Strategy and Emerging Markets Conference
Diplomats and practitioners discussed trade and tariffs on the opening day of the Global Strategy and Emerging Markets Conference, a gathering the Naveen Jindal School of Management hosted that attracted participants from five continents.

Information Systems Professors Win INFORMS Best Paper Award
An award-winning study by two Naveen Jindal School of Management information systems professors and co-authors who include a JSOM PhD alumnus considers how to design healthcare guidelines in an era of litigious and defensive medicine.

CAFÉ Hosts Evening With Political Satirist P. J. O’ Rourke
Veteran journalist and satirist P.J. O’Rourke offered a humorous but plain-spoken interpretation of economics for a students, professors and community members who attended a Jindal School event hosted by CAFÉ and featuring his latest book.

Ethics Symposium Explores Gray Areas of Human Behavior
High school students on campus to attend the Shelton School Ethics Symposium spent a day considering standards, morals and values in new ways that challenged them to put aside preconceived notions and and come away with fresh perspectives.

Jindal School Innovation and Entrepreneurship Creator and Crusader Retires
Colleagues, students, alumni, family and friends celebrated the Jindal School’s founder of innovation and entrepreneurship programs and the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Dr. Joseph C. Picken, at a December retirement reception.

CAFÉ Seminar Ties Economic Freedom to Society’s Well-Being
The Jindal School’s Colloquium for the Advancement of Free-Enterprise Education held a fall seminar that reviewed prosperity and economic freedom in the U.S. and the world. Speakers tied the theme to topics including cryptocurrency and healthcare.

First Alumni Day of Service Draws Volunteers to North Texas Food Bank
More than 70 Jindal School graduates volunteered their help at the North Texas Food Bank on the inaugural UT Dallas Alumni Day of Service on Oct. 13. JSOM’s new undergraduate community service requirement inspired the event.

Jindal School Graduates Take Third in Global IT Challenge
Creating Electra, a utilities chatbot that can reduce costs and provide better service, earned two recent Jindal School graduates third place in the 2018 Atos IT Challenge, a global competition to improve customer service with AI and chatbots.

Emerging Technologies Summit Showcases AI, Blockchain and Fintech Innovations
Don Tapscott, a leader in spotting digital innovation’s impact, headlined at the Emerging Technologies Summit at UT Dallas. The summit included experts in artificial intelligence, fintech, blockchain and distributed ledger technologies.

The Big Bend Comes to UT Dallas
High and wide, Big Bend, the 23-foot-tall, 5,000-pound steel sculpture by Mac Whitney recently installed outside the Jindal School, has a storied past but comes from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous.

‘Converse and Sell Yourself,’ Restaurant and Real Estate Entrepreneur Advises
Restaurateur, entrepreneur and philanthropist Phil Romano accepted the UT Dallas Real Estate Club’s invitation to speak at the Jindal School. He discussed his success in founding Fuddruckers, Romano’s Macaroni Grill and eateries in Trinity Groves.

‘Fearless’ Strategist Honored with Marketing Legends Award
Jindal School’s Marketing Legends Award honoree David Meerman Scott, an early advocate of social media and the strategist who coined the term “newsjacking,” advised his audience on the right ways to stand out and be fearless as a marketer.

JSOM Gives Back: Students Work for Kids Whose Parents Have Cancer
Two JSOM students co-directing the UT Dallas chapter of Camp Kesem work to support children whose parents have cancer. The pair, says Assistant Dean John Barden, have a “burning desire to give back.” They hope to raise $40K to send 40 kids to camp.