Mentor Opportunities
The Jindal School is committed to providing students with relevant, real-world industry knowledge and experiences that are available both in and out of the classroom. For this reason, Jindal School alumni are needed to share their professional experiences and career advice with select Jindal School students.
Join JindalConnect, the official networking platform for Naveen Jindal School of Management alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends. JindalConnect helps students and alumni connect, allowing them to create their own mentorship opportunities. Alumni and students may create a JindalConnect profile by importing Linked In information, paving the way to connecting with fellow Comets. Expand your network and advance your future career with JindalConnect.
RegisterServe as a mentor to a Full-Time MBA student. Students select their mentors based on industry and experience. You do not need to be a JSOM alumnus to serve as a mentor.
To learn more about the Power of Two Mentor Program and other Jindal School alumni volunteer opportunities, email
- Attend mentor training, meet-and-greet and/or kickoff events
- Commit to contact your assigned student at least four times during the mentoring period
- Complete an end-of-year evaluation survey