Jindal School Shines at INFORMS Annual Meeting: Faculty Members, Alumnus and Student Win Awards

At its annual meeting in Seattle Oct. 20-23, the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) presented this year’s Community Awards, several of which went to faculty members, a student and an alumnus from the Naveen Jindal School of Management.

Varghese Jacob

Dr. Varghese Jacob, Lars Magnus Ericsson Chair and vice dean at the Jindal School, was one of the winners of the President’s Service Award, which honors distinguished information systems (IS) academics who have demonstrated outstanding dedication in their service to the IS community.

Dr. Zhiqiang (Eric) Zheng, Ashbel Smith Professor in the Information Systems (IS) Area at the Jindal School, was one of the winners of the Information Systems Society’s Distinguished Fellow award, which recognizes individuals who have made outstanding intellectual contributions to the information systems discipline.

Dr. Hongchang Wang, an assistant professor in the Jindal School’s IS Area, was one of the winners of the Gordon B. Davis Young Scholar Award, which is named in honor of University of Minnesota professor, Gordon Davis, who was part of the founding fathers of the information systems discipline. The award recognizes and honors young scholars who are on a path towards making outstanding intellectual contributions to the information systems discipline.

Vijay Mookerjee

Dr. Vijay Mookerjee, Charles and Nancy Davidson Chair and a professor in the Jindal School’s IS Area; Dr. Wangsheng Zhu, a JSOM PhD alumnus (PhD’24)and an assistant professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; and Kai Sun, a PhD student at the Jindal School; won the eBusiness Section’s Best Paper Award, which is given annually in recognition of research excellence in the field of Information Systems and e-Business, as judged by the award selection committee.

Mehmet Ayvaci

Dr. Mehmet Ayvaci , an assistant professor in the Jindal School’s IS Area, won the Health Applications Society’s Sanjay and Panna Mehrotra Research Excellence Award, which recognizes a mid-career researcher for significant contributions to the practice of health applications through operations research (OR) and management science (MS) modeling and methodologies. The award is named after Professor Sanjay Mehrotra and his wife, in recognition of Professor Mehrotra’s contributions and dedication to translating OR/MS modeling and methodology research to practice so as to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare systems.


Dr. Shujing Sun, an assistant professor in the IS Area, was runner-up of the Best Paper Award for the paper “Information Disclosure and Acceptance of Algorithmic Advice: A Field Study on Human-AI Interaction in Healthcare Gatekeeping.”

Congratulations to all the winners!

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